Health Care and Affordable Care Act

In this day and age where the cost of living is rapidly escalating higher and higher and the unemployment rates are just as high. A great amount of Americans just cannot come up with the money for health insurance; consequently health and wellbeing are placed on the back burner, generally so that they can focus on what Psychologist Abraham Maslow called “Physiological needs” needs that are primitive to a person’s survival such as but not limited to shelter, food, and sleep.

Thus, Many citizens much rather worry about providing food for their families, and paying their essential utility bills just to try and stay afloat without any costly medical bills. Often they may have physical ailments that they must overlook and assimilate too, largely due to the extremely high cost of seeing a physician, and the lofty health care insurance premiums rendering most Americas unable to seek notable medical attention. The government sought to fix this problem and made an attempt by proposing a health care reform bill.

After all the votes were tallied and The 111th United States Congress gave the green light, President Barack Obama enacted into law on Tuesday march 23, 2010 The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) also known as Obama care. This piece of legislature was created with the propos of providing all citizens with the ability to access medical care regardless of age, pre-existing medical conditions, and health insurance coverage. The bill would take a total of 10 years to be fully executed into effect; subsequently with each year drawing closer to 2019.

Immediately after the passage of the health care bill, it has faced a great deal of opposition and became one of the most disputed topics around the nation it went under fire questioning the Constitutionality, the quality of care under the bill, and the retention of pre- existing health care converge. While both supporters and opponents of the PPACA bill have set forth a great deal of information regarding the validity of their point of view we must peel away the layers of lies to reach the true substance of the bill and find accurate clams in a sea of deception.

Quality of care is an essential factor when a person thinks about paying a visit to the doctor’s office. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will have detrimental effects on both physicians and patients alike. First of all do you remember the mammography guidelines from 2009? The guideline where developed by what is known as the United States Preventative Services Task Force, this is a 16 member committee headed by government selected “Bureaucrats” (not practicing physicians) the members of these committees may be public health officials, insurance carriers, or other government appointed workers (Gingrich ).

Under The Patient Protection and Affordable Care act subtitle F subpart II has particularly directs the secretary of health and human services and the president both of whom are not active medical doctor, to design and develop standards for all health care providers and any medical ailment as the bill directly sates “Healthcare Research and Quality or any other relevant agency or department designated by the Director, shall carry out its functions using research from a variety of disciplines”(ppaca).

In other words the secretary and president will take it upon themselves to guiding principle for the treatment of doctors and physicians and patients to use in the diagnoses and treatment of any medical diseases. Depending on the disease there is different Preventative Services Task Force, in 2009 the U. S Preventative Services Task Force came up with “ill-conceived” mammography guidelines which essentially placed us fifteen year backwards with guidelines that would reduce Brest screenings by 30 percent (Silva).

The guidelines where set around the same time the American cancer society published its finding that “breast cancer screening has been shown to reduce breast cancer mortality” (American cancer society 34) you may ask yourself how could this be well the United States Preventative Services Task Force choose to ignore this factual study amongst other and go with their own computer models so this is what we can expect from these Task Force.

During December 2011 the U.S Preventative Services Task Force, different task force, publishes its finding on the screening for prostate Cancer for men less than 75 years of age stating discouraging the use of service (Screening for Prostate Cancer). Regarding both studies not one health care expert specializing in these areas was on the ether committees. Under Obamacare physicians will be left to “ration health care” in the form of not treating nearly enough people or running costly test to conform their diagnosis is correct (Feldstein).

Under the provisions of Obamacare the U. S Preventative Services Task Force leaves doctors to violate their Hippocratic Oath, doctors will be forced to provide minimal to no care at all leaving the quality of healthcare out in the cold all in the name. Instead of the Obamacare adding quality to health care it will in fact administer more harm than aid.

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