Health and Social Care

The different routes, through which infection can get into the body, are: * You can get an infection through the respiratory tract and into the lung, by a cough, cold, influenza and any other common airborne infections that are contracted in this fashion. * You could get it through a cut or wound that has broken the skin, one of the main functions of the skin is to act as a barrier against any infection. Anything that penetrates the skin or for that matter the mucous membrane that lines the mouth or nose provides a route for infection to enter.

This would be either bites, scratches, puncture wounds by needles this is an increase the risk of infection. * Other way is down the digestive tract, food, drink or any other infected products that can be swallowed and infect the stomach or the bowls. Most people would have experienced an upset stomach, which reveals itself in the form of diarrhea or vomiting. * You could also get an infection, up the urinary and reproductive systems. The infectious agent could remain localized or may have entered the blood stream. Sexually transmitted diseases are the most common infect the genitals.

HIV and AIDS virus, is carried in the bodily fluids and can be transmitted in the saliva, seminal fluid or the blood. Prevention methods including hand washing, the social care worker’s and others’ personal hygiene. The preventions methods of infection control are: * Hand hygiene is decontamination of the hands by either washing or the application of alcohol hand rub products. The importance of hand hygiene in the prevention of cross infection particularly in healthcare settings. The way you should wash your hands are: * Wet hands under continuous running water.

* Wet the hands up to the wrists before applying cleanser/soap * Rub palm to palm to make a lather, then part fingers to wash in between Wash the back of one hand with the palm of the other, then change over, parting the fingers to wash in between * Hold the fingers of one hand with the fingers of the other, and rub in a half circle motion, then change over * Wash the thumbs well * Wash the wrists * Dry the hands thoroughly with a disposable paper towel do not use terry towels in a care home setting * Use the paper towel to turn off the tap, then dispose of towel into a waste bin * The main type that your hands should be washed is:

* After using the toilet * Before handling, serving or eating food * Between procedures involving handling residents * After going to the toilet/helping others to the toilet * After cleaning up anything that comes out of the body for example, urine, vomit or diarrhea * After removal of gloves * After bed making * After blowing or wiping noses * After any procedure that might make the hands dirty such as, handling waste, soiled linen or equipment. * After smoking * Before administering medicines.

* You would need to wear the minimum amount of jewelry as it can carry infections around and you don’t want to be passing that on to other staff or clients * When dealing with a client you should wear personal protective equipment such as gloves and aprons, to prevent you from catching an infection or you passing one on. * If you have a cut or broken skin then you need to cover it up with a waterproof dressing. * To make sure that you disposal of any sharps in the correct way possible to prevent an infection.

The social care worker’s role in supporting others to promote best practice in infection control. The social care worker’s role in supporting others to promote infection control is to with encourage other care assistants/ staff to wash their hands after they have had dealing a resident or residents. Also to encourage them to use the alcohol gel when it is necessary to. Plus to make sure that other care assistants use other infection control methods this includes using personal protective equipment (gloves, aprons, masks when needed).

Taking a role that ensuring that those care assistants may not fully understand the importance of infection control are educated as to why and when to use their personal protective equipment. Infection control can also be the disposal of clinical waste e. g. soiled pads, not reusing gloves and dispose of sharps. This could also include RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations), if a person is suspected to have an infection or disease that needs to be contained.

The different types of personal protective equipment (PPE). The different types of personal protective equipment are: * Gloves * Aprons * Masks * Goggles How using PPE can help to prevent the spread of infection. The using of personal protective equipment can help prevent the spread of infection. This is because it protects care assistants from infection, contamination from blood and body fluids. Also to reduce the chances of transmitting infections from one person to another person.

Outcome 4: Be able to reduce the spread of infection: 1. Explain own role in supporting others to follow practices that reduce the spread of infection: After child immunization, hand washing is the single most effective way of preventing the …

Assignment composition Assignment overview In this assignment you will demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of health and safety in social care settings. You will use case studies to show your awareness of the legislative framework, identify hazards and assess levels …

Bacteria are single-cell organisms, they are living things that belong to a group of their own, and therefore they are not classed as animals or plants. They are usually only a few mm in length, can be spherical, rod or …

To help the prevention of infection spreading is by knowing the method of washing your hand because we carry most bacteria sue to the open air that we come in contact with. For example we use are hands to shake …

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