Health and human services

Running head: Health And Human Services Consumer sovereignty is a very ideal economic concept. Although, it is arguable that it can cause imbalance to the whole economic niche. An agency giving a specified amount of cash to a family to use for food should systematically and carefully plan their allocation process. This is important because the giving agency may endanger itself and the recipient. The agency doling out money should think it over twice before they hand out an idealistic, however altruistic, deed.

If the agency gave the money already, they should make sure that they have the capability to monitor if the money is going where it should go. Of course, monitoring doesn’t come free. It will cost the agency doling out money much more money. The family receiving the amount will surely benefit from the agency, but only for a while. If they are given an amount to allocate for food, there is no practical way of monitoring if they are spending it according to the agency’s terms. This will lead us to the topic of dependency. Helping others is never bad.

The best way to do it is by helping them help themselves. The family, within its potential, should strive to find ways of dealing with the problem of money. A family receiving such help is, let’s just say, in an unstable situation. If things would turn out wrong for them, they could be tempted to use the money in unnecessary endeavors like gambling and other vices. Most of the “free” things in life are always abused, that’s just human nature—but then again, it’s just human nature to care for others. This can work well if the agency would give suggestions on how the money should be spent.

A checklist of items to buy might work. The family then should let the agency check if they abide by the terms. Supplying the family with information carefully studied by the agency would also guide the family spend the money systematically.

Reference Lang, Tim. (2003, November 17) Food and Health Wars: a modern drama of consumer sovereignty. Retrieved December 23, 2007 from http://209. 85. 173. 104/search? q=cache:5NqKQRvfj_UJ:www. consume. bbk. ac. uk/working_papers/Lang%2520talk%2520final. doc+consumer+sovereignty+agencies&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=1&client=firefox-a.

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