Health and Human Rights

From the risk assessment a number of issues are raised on the ability to manage and ensure Kabul is provided with proper medical services. First it is worth noting that the levels of risk associated with provision of medical services in Kabul is small and is mainly resulting from cultural differences. Social differences create a high risk for manifestation of more serious problems as challenge associated with clash in religion and values are likely to surface once Afghanis get more comfortable and their healthcare needs met with more accuracy.

On the other hand, the risk posed by socio-economic differences are small and are likely to be minimized with improvements in living standards. The probability of the problems manifesting themselves at a much higher level is small and therefore the risk is small and may be addressed with time. The risk posed by the economic crisis that the world is current facing is small and the situations is likely to improve with time as the global economic conditions get better. Moreover, Afghanistan as a nation is not worst affected by the crisis since it had poorly developed infrastructure as at 2008.

However, is indirectly affected by the crisis due to its dependence on US in its reconstruction. Kabul has been slowly moving towards a state of normalcy and the levels with which it will depend on the Washington is likely to go down. Moreover, other nation under the hospice of the UN have played a great role in rebuilding Kabul and therefore the effects of the financial crisis that the US is facing that will trickle down to Kabul may be downsized by other nations. Although the management of medical services in Kabul may present a challenge, risks associated with delivery of medical services are within control.

Moreover, a number of risk arise from the nature of the environment rather than the core entities involved in the management of healthcare, this implies that the risks are within control if the environment can be readjusted to ensure efficiency in development and implementation of health policies. It should be noted that one key step to ensuring medical services in Kabul are delivered in the best way possible is empowering the people and providing and environment that support delivery of healthcare services. Recommendation

Cultural difference is a key risk factor in delivery of medical services to Kabul and should therefore be addressed as quick as possible to avoid negative manifestation of differing ideologies in healthcare system. A key step to ensuring that the differences are not manifested in a manner that is negative to the provision of medical services in Kabul is by ensuring that low level interaction between medical service personnel and patients is made conflict free. There is therefore need to empower Afghanis with the relevant skill and education required to provide medical services.

Nurses, doctors and clinicians should all be Afghanis and the current dominance of other nationalities should be scaled down. There is therefore need to develop a good evacuations plan for the UN and US medical practitioners that will ensure that their positions are taken by qualified Afghanis or people of Arabic ancestry. Moreover, as the infrastructure is continuously being developed there is need to ensure that social conditions are made more bearable for professionals by providing better compensation and ensuring their security.

Under the current system there are few avenues through which people in Kabul can seek specialized medical services. The public medical centers are poorly staffed and are lacking in specialized facilities, this trend should be stopped. A good approach to ensuring this system is brought to an end is building a clinic that is well staffed and has adequate facilities. Though it is quite clear that this clinic will be overly utilized, it is better that having none and may be the foundations stone required for the development of other medical facilities whose services are within the grasp of the ordinary Afghani.

It is worth noting that the majority staff in such clinics should be Afghanis; this goes in line with minimization of negative manifestation of cultural and religious differences. Moreover, the political stability of Kabul has increased tremendous and so has the social stability. There is therefore need for change in the approach to healthcare provision by placing more emphasis on preventive heath. Education, seminars and workshops are some avenues through which Kabul can be made more aware on current medical issue and how to save more by preventing the occurrence of diseases.

Though the preventive approach may take long to take root, the approach is worthwhile and its benefit is multidimensional as it is good for the pockets as well individual health. The UN and US have to work hard and be well organized if the new approach to healthcare is to bear any success. Patience, determination and teamwork are all required as coming out of war and growing into normalcy is a process that may take years to be accomplished in full.


Gruskin, S, Grodin, MA, Annas, GJ & Marks, SP 2005, Perspectives on Health and Human Rights: A Reader, New Jersey, Routledge.

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