Head neck and eyes

This is used so that you can keep focus on the ball but also you need to be aware of the people around you so after you have controlled the ball you can make a decision on where to pass or whether to dribble. Eyes watch the ball on to the chest so that you can control the ball well enough to be able to take the ball away after the touch on the chest. Head back so the ball doesn’t hit you in the face. Body Shape Body shape is open so the ball can be brought down with ease and also so that the body can adapt to the height of the pass coming towards the player and not only that but the body is open and spread out to hold of oncoming defenders so that you can shield the ball after it comes down.

Feet facing the direction of the ball which is forwards in most cases and also on your toes ready to move in any direction that the ball goes. Point of contact Ball hits the chest area (pectorals) and the ball and chest make contact at the bottom of the ball so that the ball is cushioned and brought down quickly and the ball stays in your control. Use of arms Arms are out by the side for balance if the jump is needed to chest the ball and the arms can also be used to hold off defenders that are behind the attacking player who is controlling the ball.

Knees Bent Knees are bent to allow the body to move away as the ball is being brought down to cushion it so the ball is easy to take away once the ball has been brought down.

MERIT – Explain WHEN this skill is most likely to be used and WHY: This skill is most likely to be used when the ball is coming through the air over head height and coming down to the chest area. A good example of this is a thrown into the chest and defenders are right up behind the attacker this is where the arms are used to hold off the defender.


PASS – Describe the techniques used to perform this skill: MERIT – Explain WHY each of the above techniques are used: Head neck and eyes Head over the ball and eyes are on the ball focusing where about on the thigh it is going to make contact with. Body Shape The back is slightly bent with the head over the ball and the leg raised for thigh control with bring away controlling leg motion so that the ball drops infront of the player. Standing Leg and foot Standing leg and foot are planted for balance and stability if challenged the player can turn on the 1st touch.

Use of arms Arms held out slightly for balance and to hold off challenging players.  Point of contact Thigh muscle under the ball NOT the knee otherwise it will just go out of control and get intercepted. Angle of controlling leg Angle of controlling leg is 90 degrees to cushion the ball, as the ball is coming down pull the leg away so the ball hit its softly so that the ball just drops in front of you. MERIT – Explain WHEN this skill is most likely to be used and WHY: This skill is most likely to be used when a throw in comes into the thigh height and your holding up play with a defender behind you.


PASS – Describe the techniques used to perform this skill: MERIT – Explain WHY each of the above techniques are used: Head, neck and eyes: Head over the ball and eyes are on the ball focusing what height the ball is going to come at and how high you need to stretch your leg . Body shape The back is curved with the head over the ball and the leg high up so that the ball doesn’t go too far from the body when it is being brought down with ease. Standing Leg and foot Standing leg is planted for balance and stability and also on your toes just in case the ball doesn’t come at the intended height so that you can adapt to where ever the ball comes if the control is good enough you can turn on your first touch with the standing foot. Use of Arms

Arms are out for balance and stability and so that you can shield the ball once you have brought it down if there is a defender behind you and you can play the ball off to another player. Angle of Controlling leg Angle of controlling leg is 90 degrees so that  ou can cushion the ball and bring the leg away so that the ball drops in front of you. Point of contact(foot and ball) The instep of the foot makes contact with the bottom of the ball so the so ball can be brought down softly and so it drops just in front of you then you can do something with the ball straight away whereas if the control is poor it leaves you with less time on the ball because you’re being closed down by opposition.

MERIT – Explain WHEN this skill is most likely to be used and WHY: This is the most commonly used method of control this is used when the ball is too low to be controlled on the chest or the thigh. This is most likely to be used when the ball is bouncing or from a throw in and the thrower wants it straight back this makes it a good method because the ball is always close to your feet after you’ve controlled it.

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