Haze and scarring

All patients build up at least a mild degree of corneal haze. During the first two to three months it has to away from haze and scarring because at that time its become dangerous and in most cases will disappear within six to twelve months. It is an bad for the Laser Refractive Surgery. Scientific publications indicate that the percentage of patients with haze and the degree of haze after laser treatment are related to the preoperative degree of myopia.

With higher myopia it is more likely that haze will occur and will affect the vision. Haze may occur in,1-3% of patients with low to moderate myopia (less than –6. 00D) and 5% or more patients with high or extreme myopia (over –6. 00D). And the cornea is made 10%-20% thinner after surface based excimer laser treatment.

The cornea is not significantly weakened and is therefore unlikely to be at risk from trauma. There is also a risk (between 2. 7% and 4.8%) of loss of two or more lines of best corrected visual acuity after Laser Refractive Surgery. And there is another problem due to cutting of the cornea, there is less healing after Laser Refractive Surgery and a greatly reduced incidence of haze.

Reference: Laser Refractive Surgery, http://www. college-optometrists. org/index. aspx/pcms/site. Public_Related_Links. Laser_Eye_Surgery. Laser_Eye_Surgery_home/, 07 Dec 2008 A Patients’ Guide to Excimer Laser Refractive Surgery, The royal college ophthalmologist, 2006, www.rcophth. ac. uk/docs/publications/patient-info-booklets/ExcimerLaserPatientGuideMarch2006. pdf , 07 Dec 2008 Accuracy with high contrast Vs Haze and scarring4 Laser Refractive Surgery is able to most high contrast acuity levels of the same diseases and majority of surgeon is measure the only assessment of visual quality is high contrast acuity .

A loss of two or more lines of best corrected visual acuity is considered significant. But on the other hand haze and scarring problem is very dangerous.

The haze is not as good as during the first two to three months and in most cases also not as good as within six to twelve months it may cause will disappear. Haze and scarring are affect the vision of patients of short sight (myopia), long sight (hypermetropia) and astigmatism, but still this problem is occurred few of the cases like 1-3% of patients with low to moderate myopia and 5% or more patients with high or extreme myopia. That’s why we can take this risk and use this method as precious as possible.


Laser Refractive Surgery, http://www. college-optometrists. org/index. aspx/pcms/site. Public_Related_Links. Laser_Eye_Surgery. Laser_Eye_Surgery_home/, 07 Dec 2008 A Patients’ Guide to Excimer Laser Refractive Surgery, The royal college ophthalmologist, 2006, www. rcophth. ac. uk/docs/publications/patient-info-booklets/ExcimerLaserPatientGuideMarch2006. pdf , 07 Dec 2008

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