Gullaine-Barre Syndrome

As Gullaine-Barre Syndrome is not really a curable disease, it is important to know what things are to be done to prevent its occurrence. Since the primary cause that was seen is the respiratory and gastrointestinal infections, then it is important to prevent the occurrence of these infections. In severe cases of GBS, quality intensive care is the most important thing to remember, this may not help in the faster recovery but this is the best way to aide the patient and prevent complications of the disease.

Incorporated with other treatment such as the immunoglobulin, plasmaphresis, plasma exchange or CSF filtration, these only hope to treat the signs and symptoms of the disorder but not the disorder itself. Physical therapy and the support of family members are still important factors that would contribute to the faster recovery of the patients. Although no treatments were known, patients must not lose hope, in most cases, patients recover from the disorder.

Although some may die due to the disorder, but this fatalities are very rare. Therefore, medical attention should be sought directly at the onset of the symptoms to prevent further complications of the disorder. This may also lessen the disability level if ever diagnosed early.

This indicates then that it depends on how prompt you are in seeking medical advice that the severity of the disease may take place. References: • Winer, JB.(2002). Treatment of Guillaine-Barre Syndrome. Oxford Journals. Website: http://qjmed. oxfordjournals. org/cgi/content/full/95/11/717 • Guillaine-Barre Syndrome. (2006). WebMD. Website: http://www. webmd. com/brain/tc/guillain-barre-syndrome-treatment-overview • Swierzewski, Stanley. (2000). Guillaine-Barre Syndrome (GBS): Overview,Incidence, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis. Website: www. neurologychannel. com/guillain/index. shtml

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