Growth of Information Technology in Healthcare

“The market for commercial electronic management report (EMR) and electronic data integration (EDI) products will substantially increase as a result of HIPAA. EMR for audit trail and access authorization purposes, and EDI for the conversion of transaction code set standards used in reimbursement,” reports the author of this study. “These products present the highest immediate need value to the industry in terms of standardizing both patient records access and reimbursement formats, which is vital to HIPAA compliance and financial revenue flow.

” The resulting increase in storage needs of hospitals should make server-lease programs a highly attractive and cost-effective option for hospitals. (Frost & Sullivan, 2003) “The facilities department can use wireless technology to be more responsive to the needs of clinicians and patients,” Moody observes. Many hospitals now are designing a wireless utility for its network hospitals.

Below is a designed for hospital net to cater the increase demand of the client. Healthcare providers today can use a great variety of wireless tools and technologies, affecting patient rooms and nursing stations (as shown here) as well as other clinical areas, visitor areas, facility operations, security management, and business office functions. (Norine and Hudson, 2005) Clinical care areas account for the majority of hospitals’ wireless technologies.

Wireless tools play a vital role in creating and maintaining the electronic medical record (EMR), an important part of hospitals’ efforts to improve productivity and reduce common causes of medical errors, such as lost or unreadable treatment orders, illegible handwritten prescriptions, and improper medicine doses. (Norine and Hudson, 2005) Conclusion This overview is only a starting point to help executives to examine their HIPAA security efforts. As the project matures, it will be necessary to incorporate changes into many of the internal processes, work with external parties to address the risks, and change the culture of the organization.

Like many enterprise-wide initiatives, achieving HIPAA Security compliance is a journey not a destination. The Wireless technologies in hospitals help doctors and nurses give patients better care, work more efficiently, and hold down costs. A well engineered wireless utility can help healthcare providers take full advantage of a growing array of wireless tools to improve care, enhance patient safety, and protect the privacy of patients’ health information you don’t have to go to the hospital just to get your records you can have it deliver in your own house via internet.

And you can be assured that all patients, insurance and government-mandated information is delivered to the proper recipient fast and intact. Currently, there are numerous electronic codes available in the market. Without government action, a common standard might eventually emerge as the result of technological or market dominance. However, the uneven distribution of costs and benefits may have hindered the development of a voluntary industry-wide standard.

Congress concluded that the current market is deadlocked and that the health care industry would benefit in the long run if government action were taken now to establish an industry standard. This approach, however, does entail some risks. For example, whenever the government chooses a standard, even one that is the best available at any point in time, the incentives to develop a better standard may be diminished because there is virtually no market competition and government-led standards often take longer to develop than those developed as the result of market pressures.

The approach taken in this regulation is designed to encourage and capitalize on market forces to update standards as needs and technology change and have the government respond as quickly and efficiently as possible to them. However, the costs according to the Phoenix Health System in implementing the standards specified in the statute are primarily one-time or short-term costs related to conversion. These costs include system conversion/upgrade costs, start-up costs of automation, training costs, and costs associated with implementation problems.

These costs will be incurred during the first three years of implementation. Although there may be some ongoing maintenance costs associated with these changes, vendors are likely to include these costs as part of the purchase price. Plans and providers may choose to upgrade their systems beyond the initial upgrade required by the rule as technology improves over time. Since the rule only requires an initial systems upgrade, the costs of future upgrades are not included in the cost estimate of the rule.

The benefits of EDI include reduction in manual data entry, elimination of postal service delays, elimination of the costs associated with the use of paper forms, and the enhanced ability of participants in the market to interact with each other Finally, embracing the HIPAA would be an advantage to hospital. The advantages of a wireless utility make a compelling case for its inclusion in the design of new hospitals and, where practical, retrofitting to existing hospitals.

By choosing a wireless utility, we have provided a better platform for the wireless services our clinicians need. We expect to use it for facility controls, medical telemetry, and communication equipment for our clinical staff.


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Description: Preferred language style: English(U. S. ) Research and write a short paper on the Impact of Information Technology on the Quality of Healthcare. The length of the paper should be a minimum of 2 and maximum of 3, doubled …

There are numerous stand alone clinical as well as administrative and management systems in healthcare organizations. The usefulness of these systems can only be enhanced through an electronic integration solution. Healthcare information systems are vital in improving the coordination of …

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) were signed into law in 1996 with the original intent of protecting health insurance information when workers changed or lost their jobs. As the internet evolved in the mid 1990’s HIPAA requirements …

Description: Preferred language style: English(U. S. ) Research and write a short paper on the Impact of Information Technology on the Quality of Healthcare. The length of the paper should be a minimum of 2 and maximum of 3, doubled …

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