Government encouraging a healthy lifestyle for all

Increase in incomes and declining unemployment rates makes yoga classes accessible to more people. TY can organize group promotions, encouraging consumers to gather friends and attend classes together. Government encouraging a healthy lifestyle for all.

Government support for encouraging Singaporeans to adopt a healthy lifestyle increases demand for such related activities. TY to ride on this campaign and introduce itself as the place for building health, fitness and mental well being. However TY has to be wary of other sports faculties such as Gymnasiums that might ride on the same promotion.

Social Demographic/Lifestyles Increasing lifestyle trends of gathering and engaging in health and wellness activities. TY can advertise by featuring yoga as an integral part of being healthy as well as a form of social gathering and social activity that can be performed by all.

Health concerns Many people think o f yoga as helping in flexibility and strength. TY can advertise and promote yoga as having greater benefits such as mental calmness and stress reductions as people are becoming increasingly health conscious and stressed up.

(Pizer, 2007) Technological Developments in IT TY to keep up with changes in technology so as not to lose out to its competitors. Keeping customer profiles using Customer Relationship Management to inform them on updates such as new yoga packages. Internet and e-commerce TY can offer online reservations for classes.

Advertising through websites and surveys and feedbacks can also be done online. TY can also offer to teach yoga lessons online so that members can do it themselves in the comfort of their own homes.

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