Good health

Good health is very important to have nowadays because people simply cannot afford to get sick. Getting sick means expensive hospitalization, medications, and loss time of work. However, due to health maintenance organizations (HMO), these losses are already taken care of and member do not have to worry about obtaining medical assistance. Health maintenance organization “is a form of health insurance in which its members prepay a premium for the HMO’s health services, which generally include in-patient and ambulatory care” (Nemire & Kier, 2002, p. 151).

This type of health insurance is recommended for all because it is an assurance that an individual will never be denied health care when in possession of this. Patients do not have to worry about shelling out money unless they require a procedure or treatment that is not covered by the organization. Although HMOs have numerous advantages, it has its own rules and requires its patients to choose a primary care physician within its network of doctors.

Recommendation from this primary care physician is needed if a patient wants to be checked by another specialist. Still, HMOs are relatively cheaper compared to other insurance plans, which is why people would prefer it even if it means having to change primary care physicians. Its role is to make sure that the public has access to proper medical care at all times without having to worry about paying the bills.

It is supposed to serve as an answer to the growing needs of the people in terms of medical treatment. Governments should make sure that the health concerns of its citizens are properly addressed. Health care should not be as expensive as others want them to be. It should be available to everyone without consideration for age, gender, race, or status.


Nemire, R. E. & Kier, K. L. (2002). Pharmacy Clerkship Manual. New York: McGraw-Hill

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