Good and Bad in Cannabis Drugs

Cannabis is the most widely used drug by people nowadays, and it has different names. It is also known as herbal, marijuana, ganja, weed, hashish, bhang, spliff, and bud. It is produced from parts of the cannabis sativa plant. There is a positive and negative effect in using cannabis. Positive Cannabis: Cannabis is used for many different medical reasons. It stimulates appetite and enhances food craving, it has a mild analgesic effect that it is similar to aspirin or ibuprofen, which are known as painkillers.

It is also a mood lifting substance that can make its user more relaxed and calm. Cannabis reduces fluid pressure within the eye (intraocular pressure) and is good for patients with glaucoma to use. The drug can also help patients suffering from OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) or Tourette syndrome. When OCD occurs someone might feel worried and have doubts about things. OCD is a brain disorder that causes problems in processing information in the brain.

Around 50% or more of the Patients with Tourettes that are treated with cannabis decrease in motor and vocal vics and most decrease in obsessive compulsive behaviour. A recent study has suggested that cannabis might have the ability to prevent Alzheimer’s disease, which is one of the positive sides to using this drug. Unlike tobacco cannabis has not been shown to cause lung cancer, according to the UK’s government report. Using cannabis is less dangerous than both tobacco and alcohol in social and physical aspects.

Less addiction is attached to taking this drug than other drugs. There is also no scientific consensus as to the level of possible harm caused by cannabis consumption. After someone has taken cannabis the user might feel, relaxed, less stressed, feel like laughing, have a mood lifting experience, increased appetite, increased thirst, pain relief from headaches or cramps, also a boring task may become more interesting or funny to the user. These are positives outcome in people taking this drug.

Cannabis is a naturally occurring substance that can act as a relaxant and mild hallucinogenic. Cannabis can be smoked with or without tobacco, filtered through water, cooled or inhaled using all manner of drug paraphernalia, or eaten. The Labour Government …

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