God Must Be Crazy

CONDITION| DEFINITION| SIGNS & SYMPTOMS| DIAGNOSTIC TESTS| 1. Diabetic Retinopathy| A damaged blood vessel of the retina. This is caused by diabetes. | Blurred vision, slow vision, shadows or missing areas of vision, and trouble seeing at night. | Dialation of the pupils with eye drops and then carefully examining the retina. | | 2. Meniere,s Disease| An inner ear disorder that affects balance and hearing. | Drop in hearing, pressure in the ear, ringing in the ear, and vertigo. | A hearing test is administered, as well as electrocochleography, and a head MRI.

| | 3. Macular Degeneration| A chronis eye disease that causes vision loss in the center field of vision. | The need for brighter light when reading, seeing words that are being read blurry, difficulty recognizing faces, and crooked central vision. | Examination of the back of the eye, tests fr defects in your center vision, and flourescein angiogram. | | 4. Abruptio Placentae| A premature separation of the placenta from its attachment to the uterus wall before the baby is delivered. | Abdominal pain, back pain, frequent contractions, and vaginal bleeding.

| Abdominal ultrasound, complete blood count, fibrinogen level, pelvic exam, and vaginal ultrasound. | | 5. Toxic Shock Syndrome| A severe disease that involves fever, shock, and problems with the function of several organs| Confusion, diarrhea, headaches, fever, low blood pressure, muscle aches, vomiting, redness of the eye, and seizures. | Blood culture and the determination of several of the symptoms| | Page 1 CONDITION TABLE Page 2 CONDITION| DEFINITION| SIGNS & SYMPTOMS| DIAGNOSTIC TESTS| 6. Endometriosis| A female health disorder that occurs when cells from the linning of the womb grow in other areas of the body.

| Painful periods, pain in lower abdomen, cramps, pain during sexual intercourse, pain with bowel movements, and pelvic pain. | Pelvic exam, transvaginal ultrasound, and pelvic laparoscopy. | | 7. Herpes| A common sexually transmitted disease that affects both men and woman. | When present the initial symptoms are pain and itching. Small red bumbps or tiny white blisters may begin to appear. | DNA test, blood test, and a viral culture. | | 8. Lyme Disease| A bacterial infection spread through the bite of the blacklegged tick.

| Body wide itching, chills, fever, headaches, muscle pain, and a stiff neck| Electrocardiogram, spinal tap, and MRI of the brain. | | 9. Menopause| The time in a womens life when her periods eventually stop and the body goes through changes that no longer allow her to become pregnant. | Night sweats, skin flushing, insomnia, decreased interest in sex, headaches, mood swings, and irregular heartbeat| Blood and urine tests. | | 10. Tinea Pedis| An infection of the feet caused by fungus. | Red and itchy skin, burning or stinging, and blisters on the feet that ooze.

| Skin culture, skin lesion biopsy, and skin lesion KOH exam. | | CONDITION TABLE Page 3 CONDITION| DEFINITION| SIGNS & SYMPTOMS| DIAGNOSTIC TESTS| 11. Seborrheic Dermatitis| A common inflammatory skin condition that causes flaky, white to yellowish scales to form on oily areas such as the scalp. | Skin lesions, skin scales, itching, mild redness, and hair loss. | Physical exam. | | 12. Eczema| Atopic dermatitis is a long-term skin condition that involves scaly and itchy rashes. | Blisters, dry skin, ear discharge, raw areas of the skin, skin redness and thickened areas of the skin.

| Physical exam, and allergy tests. | | 13. Ringworm| A skin infection due to fungus. | Itchy, red or raised areas of the skin. | Skin biopsy, and skin culture. | | 14. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome| Growth , mental, and physical problems that may occur in a baby when a mother drinks alcohol during her pregnancy. | Decreased muscle tone and definition, delayed development, narrow eyes, small head, and smooth and thin upper lip. | Brain imaging of the child when it is born, and a pregnancy ultrasound. | | 15. Down Syndrome| A genetic condition in which a person has 47 chromosomes instead of the usual 46.

| Excess skin around the neck, flattened nose, separated joints, small ears, small mouth, impulsive behavior, poor judgment, and short attention span. | Echocardiogram, CG, x-rays of the chest. | | CONDITION TABLE Page 4 CONDITION| DEFINITION| SIGNS & SYMPTOMS| DIAGNOSTIC TESTS| 16. Tetralogy of Fallot| A type of congenital heart defect| Blue color of the skin, clubbing of fingers, failure to gain weight, passing out, and poor development. | Chest x-ray, complete blood count, echocardiogram, and MRI of the heart. | | 17.

Munchausen Syndrome| A serious mental disorder in which someone with a deep need for attention pretends to be sick or injured. | Dramatic stories about numerous medical problems, vague or inconsistent symptoms, seeking treatment from many doctors, and reluctant to let hospital staff talk with family. | Very hard to detect but most doctors will look at family history and have a psychological exam done. | | 18. Croup| A breathing difficulty a “barking cough” Due to swelling around the vocal cords. | Creates a cough that sounds like a seal barking, and some show symptoms of a common cold.

| Physical exam, and a neck x-ray. | | 19. Tuberculosis| A contagious bacterial infection that involves the lungs. | Cough, coughing up blood, sweating, fatigue, fever, weight loss, chest pain, and wheezing. | Biopsy of the affected area, bronchoscopy, chest CT scan and chest x-ray. | | 20. Anorexia| An eating disorder that causes people to obsess about their weight and the food they eat. | Extreme weight loss, fatigue, abnormal blood counts, insomnia, dizziness, hair loss, dry skin, and dehydration. | Physical exam, lab tests such as blood work, and a psychological evaluation.

| | CONDITION TABLE Page 5 CONDITION| DEFINITION| SIGNS & SYMPTOMS| DIAGNOSTIC TESTS| 21. Autism| A developed mental disorder that appears in the first 3 years of life. It affects the brains normal development of social and communication skills. | Has unusual distress when it comes to change, performs repeated body movements, cannot carry a conversations, and does not make friends. | A psychological evaluation can usually show enough to diagnose a patient. | | 22. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder| A problem with inattentivness and over activity or a combination of the two.

| Lack of attention, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior. | ADHD is diagnoses based off of symptoms told to the physician, and the problem with this is that so many are misdiagnosed. | | 23. Personality Disorders| A mental illness in which you have trouble perceiving a relating to other people. | Frequent mood swings, social isolation, angry outbursts, difficulty making friends, and poor impulse control. | Physical exam, complete blood count, and a psychological evaluation. | | 24. Bipolar Disease| A condition where people go back and forth between periods of a very good or irritable mood and depression.

| Easily distracted, little need to sleep, poor judgment, very elevated mood, talking a lot, and can become very upset very fast. | Ask patient for a family history, they will perform a physical exam, and run lab tests to check for a thyroid problem. | | | | | | | CONDITION TABLE Page 6 CONDITION| DEFINITION| SIGNS & SYMPTOMS| DIAGNOSTIC TESTS| 25. Strabismus| A condition where the two eyes do not line up in the same direction, also known as cross eyes. | Depth perception loss, double vision, and vision loss. | Eye test which includes corneal light reflex, cover/uncover test, retinal exam, and visual ophthalmic exam. | |

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