Germ theory of disease

|The god Asclepius |Greek god of healing | | |He had two daughters, Panacea and Hygeia who assisted him with healing | | |He was worshiped at special temples called Acsclepions | |Hippocrates |Greek doctor, born in Cos around 460BC | | |Author of ‘Hippocratic Collection’ of medical texts |.

Originator of the ‘Hippocratic Oath’ and pioneer of ‘Four Humours’ theory | |Galen |Born in 129AD in Greece, but travelled round the Roman Empire & was doctor to the Emperor | | |Developed the ‘Theory of the Opposites’ from Four Humours | | |Demonstrated the brain controlled the body not the heart | |Avicenna |Also known as Ibn Sinna | | |Arab doctor, who lived from 980-1037 AD in Spain | | |Wrote a million-word textbook covering all aspects of medicine | |Andreas Vesalius .

Born in Brussels in 1514 and studied medicine in Brussels and Italy, where he used artists drawing of dissections and | | |published them in ‘Fabric of Human Body’ | | |His work was widely circulated due to the invention of printing | | |Challenged the ideas of Galen, e. g. over human jaw bone | |Ambroise Pare |Born in France in 1510 | | |Surgeon in Paris at Hotel Dieu and military surgeon | | |Treated wounds using turpentine and conducted amputations using ligatures | |William Harvey |Born in 1578 in Folkestone!

Worked as royal doctor and lecturer in anatomy | | |Developed theory of circulation of blood and challenged Galen’s ideas on blood | |Paracelsus |Born in 1483 in Germany | | |Disagreed with Galen over Four Humours and thought disease attacks body from outside | | |Devised mineral remedies to help cure disease, e. g. mercury and arsenic | |Lady Grace Mildmay |Born in England in 1552.

Wealthy and well educated, e. g. read books on surgery and Avicenna | | |Influenced by Galen’s ideas as well as those of Paracelus | |Richard Wiseman |Born in 1622 | | |Was a surgeon in Dutch and Spanish navies, as well as a doctor to Charles II | | |Influenced by work of Galen, but admired Pare’s advice on amputation | |Edward Jenner |Born in England in 1749 | | |Developed first vaccine for smallpox using cowpox | | |Faced much opposition to his ideas, e. g. from Royal Society although Parliament granted him ? 30,000 to set up a | | |vaccination clinic in London.

| |Elizabeth Garret |Born in 1836 | | |First woman doctor to qualify in 1865 and founded The New Hosiptal for Women in London | | |In 1876 a law was passed allowing women to enter medical professions | |Florence Nightingale |Born in 1820 | | |Worked as a nurse at the Scutari Hospital in the Crimea | | |Published ‘Notes on Nursing’ and founded 1st training school for nurses (1860) | |Louis Pasteur |Born in France 1822 | | |Author of ‘Germ Theory’, challenging the theory of ‘spontaneous generation’ and miasmas | | |Use of new technologies, e. g. Lister’s telescope helped him make his discoveries.

Robert Koch |Born in Germany in 1843 | | |Used teams of bacteriologists to identify the bacteria causing different diseases | | |Identified different bacteria using stains and cultivating them on Petri dishes | |Ignaz Semmelweiss |Hungarian doctor born in 1818 who worked in Austria | | |Insisted that doctors washed their hands after dissections to reduce cross-contamination with patients | | |Called doctors who didn’t wash their hands ‘murderers’ | |Joseph Lister |Born in England in 1827 .

|Influenced by Pasteur’s ‘Germ Theory’ and developed the carbolic spray | | |Unpopular with doctors due to unpleasant side-effects | |Dr John Snow |In 1854 he made the connection between outbreaks of cholera and infected water supply | | |Based his work on meticulous studies of Broad Street, London | | |Conducted house-to-house interviews and recorded findings on a map | |Alexander Fleming |Rediscovered the properties of the bacteria penicillin by chance in his laboratory at St Mary’s London in 1928 | | |Used penicillin to attack staphylococcus, a major cause of blood infections | | |Lacked the facilities to develop large quanitities | |.

William Beveridge |Author of ‘Beveridge Report’ in 1942 | | |Proposed a free national health service | | |NHS eventually introduced in 1948 | |Christian Barnard |Pioneered the use of heart transplants in twentieth century | | |Used teams of surgeons and doctors sharing their expertise | | |New retroviral drugs used to ensure organs were not rejected by the body |.

Galen was a Greek physician who revived the wok of Hippocrates and other Greek doctors. Galen died in the Roman era but his work was still read in the medieval times. Regression in medicine was caused by many factors including …

The discovery of germs has been a long process in history and still ongoing today. John Waller, author of The Discovery of the Germ: Twenty Years That Transformed the Way We Think about Disease, has stated as his thesis in …

Claudius Galen was a Greek physician who went to Rome and revived the ideas of Hippocrates and other Greek doctors. The Romans had shown little interest in the work of Hippocrates and it took Galen to push it forward in …

Progress in medicine was made, as new surgical instruments were devised to help the surgeons perform intricate operations, such as the removal of the polyps from the nose and the goitres from the throat. Dioscorides went all around the known …

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