Genetically modified organisms

Genetically Modified Organisms – three long controversial words. Turn on the television, radio, or just read the newspaper and you can see a number of heated debates on this. But what exactly are they? And how do they affect us? Should we the common people waste our time in these? The answer is yes – no matter how complicated it seems to be, everybody must be alerted and aware regarding these organisms, for the simple reason that they are already everywhere. That chocolate you are craving for? Probably came from genetically modified soybeans. The cup of rice you ate for lunch?

Possibly a genetically modified wheat. How about that pet of yours? Well, according to Yorktown Technologies, a certain type of fish called “GloFish” has been released as the first genetically modified pet (Oakes, Summerlin). When? Last 2003. It is true, that while the debates make the issue seem new, genetically modification has been going on for a long time. To understand more, it is best to first get a grasp of the basics of genetic engineering. Every living being has a kind of secret code within, called the deoxynucleotide acid, or more famous by the name of DNA.

This DNA is composed of millions of small fragments called the genes. Now these genes are responsible for certain traits present in the organism. We can say that gene A is responsible for a plant X’s color, while gene B is the cause of plant Y’s tall stems. Genetic engineering exploits this idea by inserting different genes to produce desirable traits. Therefore, a scientist can take gene B from plant Y and insert it in plant X. Plant X will therefore have an additional gene in its DNA. Aside from having gene A for its color, plant X will also have gene Y that would induce the growth of longer stems.

Therefore, by inserting a gene responsible for another trait, the scientist can further enhance the plant. Take for example the modification of the soybean. Monsanto is a company which pioneered the biotechnology techniques leading to genetic modification. They modified the soybean, making it resistant to a certain herbicide. They did this by inserting a gene that would give additional protection against a chemical found in that herbicide. Fields can now be sprayed with herbicides to kill the weeds without affecting the soybeans planted close by (Asgrow Seed Company).

Nowadays, many other traits are being introduced to organisms, particularly in plants. Some of these include pesticide resistance, larger flower production, early ripening and size of fruits. Farmers also began to use these genetically modified plants since they increase the production thus allowing a larger flow of income for them. So if these organisms are just so good, what are the debates about? In general, the public is still not that secure when it comes to these organisms. There are still some threats and dangers in doing this procedure of creating greater crops.

How can we be sure that an organism with an altered DNA is safe to eat? Also, there are fears that these modified organisms can cause damages to the environment because they are not “naturally” made. Further down the road, many are scared with the fact the scientists are “playing God”, altering these creatures to their whim and power. To answer these problems more research should be done. First and foremost, we cannot learn their bad effects when these organisms are not to be tested. Scientists must spend more time studying them, making sure they are safe for human consumption and poses no harm to the environment.

They must also be open to the public, address their results and be ready to answer the public’s queries. Proofs must always be presented to support and claim, and gain the trust of the public. Genetically modified organisms, when perfected in a manner that nothing in any way is harmed, will be of a great achievement in science. And I think that only in a matter of time, people will learn to accept these as an advancement of mankind. It is time to open the possibilities of expanding our abilities for a better life. In conclusion, try to think of this.

For many years, we humans have produced different kinds of plants and animals by the cross-breeding technique. This process involves the exchange of literally thousands of genes between two different organisms. And no one has questioned it.

Works Cited Asgrow Seed Company, “Roundup Ready Soybeans” 1996. Genetic Soybean Trade. 24 February 2008 <http://www. american. edu/TED/soybean. htm> Oakes, Steve and Summerlin, Talley. “First Genetically Modified Pet Available In The United States. ” November 2003. Yorktown Technologies. 24 February 2008 <http://www. glofish. com/pressreleases/gf. pr. 20031121. pdf>.

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