Genetic Engineering Article

The primary objective of the research project is to show opportunities and possibilities of transgenic technologies in plant biology and in developing ways of crop improvement. Further, the goal is work out versatile and simple strategies how to introduce multiple proteins into plants.

Alternative Title: Transgene Stacking and Pyramiding as Strategies to Introduce Multiple Proteins into Plants and to Improve Crops Alternative Abstract: Nowadays, transgenic technologies are swiftly developing offering innovative ways and methods of introducing multiple proteins into plants and, therefore, improving crops.

The paper offers versatile and simple strategies how to introduce multiple proteins into plants and to initiate gene expression. Transgene stacking and pyramiding are claimed to be effective methods to allow the expression of multiple proteins in plants.

A single transgene can be used to coordinate effective the expression of multiple genes and selectable marker genes along with effect genes. Researchers offer a novel alternative demonstrating that polyprotein systems are able to be dissociated into subcellular locations.

Since the time when there was a heightened media exposure of Dolly—the first cloned sheep—it seems that the issue of genetic engineering has never withered. In fact, the debates surrounding the hybrid of science and technology are far from over …

The benefits of human genetic engineering can be found in the headlines nearly every day. With the successful cloning of mammals and the completion of the Human Genome Project, scientists all over the world are aggressively researching the many different …

Genetic engineering is one of the evolutionary branches of biology that deals with genes and it is the most recent which is growing rapidly. Genetic Engineering has the potential to revolutionize the entire mankind with the help of gene therapy. …

The 21st century is the era of the DNA. The century before, was the era of computers, which brought about remarkable technological advancements to society and these have also contributed to the current genetic revolution, which promises to do for …

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