Genes and Psychological factors

The selected article, is related to research in finding the risk factors for heart attacks. This article is a summation of research studies in different areas, identifying the possibility of risk factors, which may lead to a heart attack. These factors are not very much known to be the cause of heart attack, at the time of publishing this article. The risk factors listed in this article, vastly vary in their nature. Bacteria, Genes and Psychological factors are cited in these articles as potential risk factors. This paper identifies the hypothesis of bacteria as a cause for heart attack.

The hypothesis of the bacteria related research is stated thus : “ While these microbes may not directly cause heart disease, he infection they cause appears to affect the endothelium, a thin protective layer of cells that lines blood vessels”. The article starts with an introductory paragraph which gives some hair raising statistics regarding heart disease. It states that the lost productivity and the expenses on medical care for heart ailments amount to $ 167 million per year. Many times, patients who are sent back with no diagnosis of heart ailment, suffer from an attack on the very next day.

The bear truth is that about 50 percent of heart attack related deaths are sudden, and even the medical profession is not too sure about who exactly is at risk. The article then describes the research work undertaken. It says that researches at the Cornell University have identical and herpesviruses as the cause of atherosclerosis – a build up of deposits in smooth muscle cells, reducing the blood flow, in chickens. It is expanded on humans by Bio chemist David P Hajjan of Cornell Medical School, by demonstrating that the common herpes simplex can stimulate production of “ blood factor X ”, forming atherosclerotic plaque,

His studies have also shown that these viruses prompt production of Thrombin, a blood clotting enzyme. Likelihood of impaired blood flow increases due to this. The article further cites a study undertaken on 16000 men and women in the age group of 45 to 64 in the United States. According to project manager A. Richy Sharrett, of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, in Bethesda, reveals that the blood samples were checked for antibodies, clot promoting factors and this study provides enough evidences that these viruses may be helping to cause atherosclerosis.

These blood samples with antibodies for type one and type two herpeviruses have caused lipoproteins and clot preventing factors which suggest a heart attack risk. The scientists at University of Utah reported that the blood samples of 66 out of 90 patients who were operated for clearance of blocked coronary artery, have tested positive for traces of virus known as Chlamydia Pnuemoniae. This article is a clear example of a perfect use of the hypothesis statement. It indicates a new risk actor that may lead to heart attack. So far heart attacks were associated with cholesterol, blood

pressure and excess of weight and infections were linked with diseases like cold, Pneumonia, gastro enteritis etc. As stated in the hypothesis, this research establishes an indirect link between infection of bacteria and virus as a cause and heart attack as an effect. The explanation in the article uses the hypothesis statement in proving that bacteria and virus affect the blood vessels , creating a condition known as atherosclerosis, which blocks the blood flow in the vessels and often causes blood clots also. Moreover, the hypothesis is used for exploration from the reverse angle.

The article cites an example of blood samples of heart patients showing traces o virus. If cause has an effect, then, effect also has a cause !!! This article successfully draws on one more possible risk factor for heart attack.

References : 1. Lewis Howard L. , [1997] , Penetrating the riddle of heart attack, MIT’s technology review, Volume 100, issue 6, retrieved on 21 September 2007 from : < http://ezproxy. apollolibrary. com/login? url=http://proquest. umi. com/pqdweb? index=6&did=13309351&SrchMode=1&sid=2&Fmt=4&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1190319497&clientId=13118 >

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