General and Regional Anesthesia

Surgical procedures are made possible because of the development of anesthesia. Without any way of reducing pain, most surgeries could not be possible. Anesthesia is the loss of pain sensation through administration of anesthetics. It can be used in medical procedures as well as surgical procedures. Anesthesias are administered by an anesthesiologist or registered nurse anesthetist. It is categorized according to the level of conscious suppression and response. Larger procedures requires greater amount of anesthetics administrations.

The choice of anesthesia for every patient differs, it depends on the extent of procedure and as well as the health conditions that may affect the patient (Mayo Clinic, 2006). There are two types of anesthesia: regional and general anesthesia. It is important that the nurse in care of the patient have relevant information of what the patient has to undergo and the expected outcome during administration of this anesthetics. This study will determine the side effects felt by PACU (Post Anesthesia Care Unit) patients who had General or Regional anesthesia.

This study will also answer the following questions: 1) what type of anesthesia the patient received: a) General anesthesia b) Regional anesthesia. 2) What are the side effects felt by the patients who had anesthesia? 3) Is there a significant relationship between the patient’s age and the side effects felt by the patient? 4) What is the responsibility of nurses on patient’s that are admitted in PACU? Literature review General anesthesia is used in more extensive procedures. In general anesthesia the patient is left completely unconscious and has no memory of the surgical procedure upon waking up.

It is the most high risked anesthesia and is used only at procedures that no cannot use other method or for patients who cannot tolerate a procedure while awake. It can be given intravenously or through inhalation, but in some cases both methods are used. Once in effect, patients need assistance in breathing, through oral airway. An endotracheal tube is placed on the patient in order to assist breathing. The endotracheal tube is one of the most reliable ways of assuring adequate breathing when the patient is under general anesthesia.

There are four stages of General anesthesia which not all patients are able to manifest because they may occur rapidly. The first stage is analgesia where the patient experiences loss of pain sensation. The patient is still conscious and can still carry on a conversation. That is why it is important to keep conversation on a professional level as the patient is still sensitive towards what is happening. The second stage is the Excitement stage where the patient becomes delirium and some cases becomes violent. The patient is strapped on the surgical table to keep patient safe and prevent any falls from involuntary movements.

Vital sign becomes irregular and are increased. This stage is usually bypassed through the administrations of barbiturates before administrating the anesthesia. Surgical anesthesia is the third stage wherein the patient’s muscles relax and vital signs become normal. This is the part where surgery usually starts. The third stage is known as medullary paralysis. This stage is a critical stage for the patient and should not be reached because death can occur. This stage occurs if the respiratory center which is medulla oblongata stops functioning. When this staged is reached patient should be revived immediately for death not to occur.

This stage can be prevented through control of the right amount and careful administration of anesthetics (Surgery channel, 2001). Regional anesthesia is used in order to block pain sensation in a particular area of the body. When the patient is undergoing regional anesthesia, the patient remain conscious. Regional anesthesia can be combined with sedation so that the patient will not be aware of the procedure, this are usually done when patient cannot tolerate being awake. During regional anesthesia, a nerves or the area that serves as the site for the procedure is the only part injected with anesthetics.

It is generally painless. Its main advantage is that it provides a higher tolerance from pain on the site of the procedure with minimal side effects and it keeps protective reflexes intact. Regional anesthesia is also less invasive to the body making recovery faster and provides lesser complications. It prolongs relief from pain. That is why lesser pain medication is given to the patient thus avoiding side effects like being nauseated and being drowsy which is often associated from taking those medications (Mayo Clinic, 2006).

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