Gastric Bypass Surgery

Bariatric surgery is a new and exciting option for patients who have been unsuccessful in reducing weight. Since obesity is associated with increased morbidity and mortality rates, physicians advise strongly for healthier life styles and methods to improve dietary habits. Bariatric surgery since its origin has advanced considerably and has now progressed itself to a completely harmless procedure. Bariatric surgery therefore may be a very good option for moderately and severely obese patients. Gastric Bypass Surgery: A Brief Overview Obesity has become one of the biggest epidemics of the developing world.

The increase in the number of obese people is significantly affecting their lifestyle, their health, and their life expectancy. The effects of obesity are can lead to atherosclerotic conditions, diabetes of Type II, respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, renal conditions, metabolic disturbances, orthopedic, dermatologic and gonadal problems, cancer and trauma. Socially, these people are at an increased risk to suffer from depression, lower socioeconomic status and discrimination. Mortality rates in an obese patient are 2 to 8 times higher than in any normal case.(Gastric Bypass, N. P. )

Currently in the US, more than 50% of the adults are overweight or obese, which increases the problems manifold in a large number of population. (Carucci et al, pp. 119) Gastric bypass surgery is one of the common performed surgeries of the gastrointestinal tract. The most common and popular use of this surgery is for the reduction of weight in very obese patients. The concept behind this procedure is simple. By carrying out the procedure, the body’s intake of calories is reduced, which helps in reducing weight.

The net result of the surgery is the reduction of the size of the stomach, which in turn reduces the appetite of the patient. Certain areas of the GI tract are simply “bypassed” so as to reduce the number of calories absorbed by the body. (Trowers, N. P. ) There are many names given to the same procedure. These include bariatric surgery, gastric bypass surgery and Roux en Y gastric by pass. This procedure however is not for person’s who are not eager to follow a healthier life style, and patients are selected following full evaluation.

The surgery is a combination surgery, that it is both restrictive as well as malabsorptive in nature. By restrictive, it indicates that the surgery will lead to reduction of the size of the stomach. By malabsorptive, the procedure will alter the blood flow to the intestines, which will lead to reduction of absorption of calories. The current use of lap bands in these surgeries is a new innovation to increase the time of absorption of the food from the stomach, thereby reducing craving in the person. (Trowers, N. P. )

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