Games and training become more physical

Most of these clubs provide facilities for children of all ages, under 7’s is the youngest age group with under 17’s being the oldest child team, it then moves onto the Colts teams (under 18’s) and then to adult rugby. In the younger age groups, up to under 12’s, special attention is paid to ensure that each child is matched by size as well as age. The games and training are based on fun without danger so they play touch rugby to develop their skills. Which gradually advances as age increases with the introduction of tackling.

As the players grow up the games and training become more physical, and they move onto 15 a side rugby. 15 a side rugby includes more decision making, strategies/tactics, complexed maneuvers and more set plays i.e. line outs and penalty moves. When players reach colt level and adult level (1st 15) the rugby they play is just like rugby seen on T.V. All skills and rules learnt at the lower age groups are put into practice, along with a lot of controlled aggression and physical play, to create a great game to watch or take part in.

National Provision The England Rugby Football Schools Union (ERFSU) is the governing body that runs the trials/games that take place between the four regions of the UK. The South West, South East, Midlands and The North. During these games between the four regions some players are scouted for the national youth teams. The ERFSU was set up so that the youth regional teams would receive top quality coaching and use high standard training facilities. They would also look at the young talent in the teams and start concentrating on the players they think could play international rugby. A lot of these players with International potential are sponsored through Sports Aid so that they can play and train all over the country.

The ERFSU has to put their budget to the RFU so they can get given enough money for what they want to do. The money is needed for the organization of fixtures, reviewing competition regulations, organizing trials and publicity events for clubs schools and international rugby.

There are to start with 4 bottom leagues in the national club league, the South East Division, the Northern Division, the Midland Division and the South West Division. The top teams at the end of the season in each of these divisions move up into the next league: the National League. After the National League teams can move onto the National Division One, then finally up onto the top league The Zurich Premiership. The RFU helps teams get sponsorship, which increases with recognition and progression through the leagues.

Funding for Provision and Development Standard provision at most local clubs is good, with decent coaching and facilities in place. The majority of local clubs have up to 2 senior teams and several younger age groups playing and training every week. But because people have less need to leave the house with technology etc. these days there has been a decline in sporting participation.

Over the last ten years numbers have dropped, where clubs had been running several senior teams and teams at all age groups, they are now struggling to get enough players for 2 senior teams and enough for several other age groups. An increase in provision could help to change this, by making it more attractive to people, get them out of their seats and off to play for their local team. Improving facilities and coaching would do this but money is needed, which can be obtained through “Sports Aid” and lottery funding. Nearly 38 million pounds has been donated to Sports England for Rugby Union from the Lottery Commission.

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