Future college/university

When my family and friends talk about universities and colleges, the famous topics are, Harvard, Yale, Cornell, Cambridge, and Tufts. Although I find these schools very appealing, I want my future school to be something that can bring out my nursing potential and can really train me with the right nursing skills. I asked my parents about the universities that they usually talk about and they say that Yale University offers a nursing course. However, there is no undergraduate nursing course in the school. It only offers post-graduate courses for nursing.

I almost gave up my dream of becoming the greatest nurse since I want to study to the best nursing school in the country. Luckily I got the chance to interview my aunt who is living in Seattle and she suggested a school there. She said that the University of Washington ranks number one in America when it comes to nursing. She even told me “You should pursue your career there! That school has ranked number one since 1984 in the field of nursing. I’d be happy to see you as one of their highly skilled nurses. ” With this, I had more hopes on becoming one of the greatest nurses in the country.

I decided to do some research to find out if my aunt is correct and indeed she is. The University of Washington is the leading school in the country when it comes to the field of nursing. I am looking forward to studying there and pursue my dream profession. I would love to see myself graduating from that school summa cum laude with the degree in Nursing. Hobby My family loves music so much. That is why when I was still a kid, I was exposed to different kinds of music. My mom said I started singing when I was four years old. She told me that I sing and sing even if there are really no words that I can utter.

Because of the influences in the family, I grew up as a music lover. I really love to sing. I find music as an expression of my emotions. Aside from singing, I also love to listen to music. During my 2nd grade, I joined a singing competition in school but I lost. Because of this, I decided that I will never try to sing again in front of many people. I also told myself that I will give singing since I am not very good at it. But it seems that fate does not permit me to forget something that I really like. I still continue to sing songs when I hear them on the radio or on MTV.

One day, my mom heard me singing and she said that my voice is “radio-worthy”. I did not believe her because I do not really have a good singing voice. I just like to sing, that’s all. I never dreamed of having a record label asking me to do albums and concerts! I find music as an outlet of my feelings that is why I never fail to listen to it everyday. Music is really essential for me for it gives color to life. Without music, life would be very lonely. Well, I guess I will just continue to sing as long as there is music.

References: Estella, C. (2005).Nursing schools peddle dreams The Manila Times. Hecht, P. (2007). Nurse shortage looming in state, says legislative analyst. Knight Ridder Tribune Business News, Page 1. Nash, Sarah. (2007). Interview with the author on August 12, 2007. Nursing Basics. (2003). Retrieved August 14, 2007, from http://www. futuresinnursing. org/basics/index. shtml Tabunar, G. (2007). From Doctors to Nurses: In The Philippines, Some M. D. ‘s Are Turning To Nursing Instead. Retrieved August 14, 2007, from http://www. cbsnews. com/stories/2007/08/01/asia_letter/main3121592. shtml.

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