Funding Health care Services

Healthcare Organization plays a very crucial role in preventing illness, relieving pain, and promotion wellness and wellbeing of individual through all stages of life. To realize its aims and objectives, the organization needs funding to continue with very sensitive and important services. There are several approaches that can be adopted to ensure funding of healthcare services. These approaches include the use of insurance medical covers by the patients, funding from the government, private sectors and other nongovernmental organization.

The burden of healthcare funding should not just be seen as an individual responsibility, but as a collective social responsibility. This paper presents recommendations on how ambulatory, continuum long-term care and mental and behavioral healthcare services should be funded. Recommendation on how Ambulatory Services Should be Funded Ambulance services play a very fundamental role with regard to the performance of the XYZ Healthcare Organizations objectives especially with regard to the provision of quick, efficient, sufficient, and prompt emergency responses.

As such, the ambulatory services funding is very important. The ambulatory services should be funded by the stakeholders of the organization. The services by their very nature play very significant roles and their source of funding should be taken very seriously. The stakeholders including any other interested parties such as the government, the Nongovernmental organization, and likeminded private organizations and private individuals should also come in handy (McHugh & Slavin, 2007). Certain costs should also be met by the patients, although this ought to be just a supplement.

One major core principle of the organization is to achieve efficiency and effectiveness with respect to how the medical services are provided. This will ultimately come to absolute nothing if the ambulatory services are not provided effectively. Notably, the effectiveness of these services depends on the amount of funding and prioritization of this important area. Recommendation on how Continuum of Long-term care Services should be Funded XYZ healthcare organization aims to provide continuum long term care services to patients.

This, they aim to do with the utmost dignity, respect, individuality and confidentiality. This cannot be realized without a positive work environment where the staffs are able to deliver good medicine to the patients. For the staffs to feel good about where they work, what they do, and how they do it, they need motivation. One of the principle motivators for the staff is the recognition of money as a critical motivator. This is in line with the provision of long-term care services (Evashwick, 2005).

Finally, it is the staff that will play a tremendously huge role in realizing that the long-term care services are actually provided. The realization of such services should be supported with adequate funding. Again, the stakeholders of the organization should be the major contributors towards the long term care service provision funding. The continuum care is crucial in the sense that it ensures that the care of the patients continues amid all the challenges and at all times. In case of financial challenges, the government ought to lend a helping hand to assist fund the important services (Pratt, 2010).

Other private organizations with keen interest in healthcare provision should be very active in ensuring that the continuity of health care provision is enhanced. The insurance companies are also a very important force to contend with as far as the funding of the continuum of long term healthcare services is concerned. Recommendation on how Mental and Behavioral Health Services should be funded The funding of mental and behavioral health services should not entirely left to the affected individuals.

The financial obligations required to meet the services provision should be as much a societal responsibility as they are to the patients. Mental illnesses are very painful especially to the affected families who ought to take a leading role to fund these services. Companies and health insurance providers should also come out strongly to provide a remedy in this area to provide financial remedy to salvage this situation (McKenzie, Pinger, & Kotecki, 2011). The XYZ health organization is committed to practicing quality-based medicine based on known and proven outcomes.

While doing this, focus is laid on the respect, dignity and well being of the family members and patients with such mental and behavioral conditions. To help the organization meet this objective, the social organizations, private sectors, the nongovernmental organizations among others all have to come in and fund the services. The government should come to the limelight in ensuring that these conditions are alleviated by providing proper and adequate funding to the affected families and citizens. This is a very huge social responsibility in which all the stake holders need to participate.

Conclusion The funding of healthcare services is very important to the XYZ healthcare organization in its attempt to realize its critical core principles. The private health insurance a great extend comprises issues of morality and ethics as a result to both employers and workers. These issues need to be effectively looked at to ensure that these services are given to the ordinary people. The organization will move to greater heights if its ambulatory, continuum long term care and behavioral and mental health care services are properly and adequately funded.

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