As an elderly man, I will advice Mr. Brown to frequently use multivitamins because they improve immune function and reduce the occurrence of infectious diseases. Old people are prone to so many infections and if Mr. Brown uses multivitamins then he will reduce his chances of getting sick. At the age 73, Mr. Brown is prone to bone and hip fractures and I would advice him to use calcium and vitamin D supplementation to strengthen his bones and prevent hip and bone fractures. I would advice Mr. Brown to adopt a healthy nutritional plan that will enhance his health.
Having a balanced diet daily and reducing the intake of fats will increase his health status. Mr. Brown should involve himself in physical activities to increase his physical fitness. This will reduce the chances of cardio vascular diseases or blood related diseases. Regular physical exercises will reduce the risk of high blood pressure. Mr. Brown must ensure that his fat and cholesterol intake is reduced so as to reduce the risk of heart attack. Physical exercises will also assist in reducing the levels of fat and cholesterol in the body. (Potter, P. & Perry, A. (2007).
I would encourage Mr. Brown to have a stress free life. He should avoid any form of emotional stress in his life to reduce the risk of heart attacks or high blood pressure; he should avoid thinking a lot. He should therefore live with his family and close friends to avoid loneliness in his life because loneliness can cause emotional stress. He should always visit his doctor when he feels stressed both physically and emotionally. As an elderly person, Mr. Brown is at risk of contracting a lot of diseases and to prevent this, he should get immunized against the common illnesses.
I would advice him to be tested regularly to identify any kind of disease or infection in his body. He should visit the dentist and the eye doctors regularly to ensure that his eyes and teeth are free of infections. 2. Geriatric assessment Geriatric assessment is a comprehensive evaluation that assists older people in enjoying a good healthy life, improving the quality of their life and reducing their rate of hospitalization. Geriatric assessment involves the examinations of the physical health of the older adults. Physical examination includes their ability to walk, stand, sit and perform daily activities.
It also includes their reflexes such as seeing, hearing, touching, smelling and moving. The elderly are also assessed on the basis of their mental status. Examine how stable they are mentally. How can they handle emotional stress? Examine whether they are behaving normally, whether they are oriented both in time and place. Examine their psycho-social health status. What kind of relationships do they have in the social settings? When performing a geriatric assessment on the elderly examine whether they are delusional or psychotic. Many old people are usually psychiatric cases and so you should be able to rule out psychosis.