Functional Substance Abuser

Functional substance abusers are those individuals who abuse substances like alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs such as cocaine, heroine etc. These people turn into functional substance abusers due to many reasons and it is threatening for our society that the number of these people is growing rapidly. Though functional substance abusers can be found across all age groups of people, the pace in which the numbers of people in their teenage years are becoming functional substance abusers is a matter of concern.

Thus functional substance abusers exist all over our society these days. When the degree and frequency of a person who is using harmful substances increases beyond control, there is origin of crisis in his life. The crisis arises both at the physical and mental level. Both the body and mind stop functioning normally. Arcos et. al conducted a research on substance abusers.

According to them “Results showed a differential emotional profile of substance abusers with regard to healthy controls; and different emotional profiles between abusers of a number of substances. ” (para. 1) Hence, when apart from much evident physical deterioration, if there is deterioration of the emotional profile of an individual too, there is a sign of him facing a crisis situation. If a friend or family member were going through this situation, then instead of panicking or treating him as an outcast, I would try to calmly bring the situation under control.

During this time the functional substance abuser would need a strong support in order to return back to his normal life. I would try to become that; much needed support system for him. I would arrange for both pathological and psychiatric treatment so that he is able to fight the crisis and emerge successful. I would make him know that I am there for him and would shower unconditional positive regard for his betterment.


Arcos, F. A. D. et. al. (2005). Experience of emotions in substance abusers exposed to images containing neutral, positive, and negative affective stimuli. Retrieved Sept. 11, 2007 from http://www. sciencedirect. com/science? _ob=ArticleURL&_ udi=B6T63-4F4H9YX-1&_user=10&_coverDate=05%2F09%2F2005&_ rdoc =1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1 &_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=be9997c21dd691ba28ca5533516dd5d6.

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