Fujian xiamen hospital investigation

Chinese hospital classification has level 1,2,3. Level 2& level 3 have Class A, Class B, Class C. Level 3 Class A(3A) is the highest classification. It’s defined by the Ministry of Health (MOH), China according to hospital resources, medical equipment installments as well as physician expertise. There are 8 Level 3 hospitals in XM. 6 of them are 3A. Among the 3A hospitals,One of them is eye specialized ,one is woman&children specialized hospital ,the rest of are general hospitals. • Zhong Shan Hospital, affiliated with Xiamen University.

Zhong Shan Hospital is one of Xiamen’s premier 3A general hospitals which provides medication, teaching, scientific research, healthcare, disease prevention in one unit. It’s also an affiliated hospital of national key university and a special clinic for foreigners, has English speaking nurses and doctors. The total staff is over 2300, including 380 senior specialists and more than 300 Masters, Doctors or higher educational background talents. The hospital has 1735 beds and 35 clinical departments, 10 medical technology departments, a branch, 2 divisions and 4 communities medical center.

The number of outpatients and emergency patients reaches to 1. 87 million and the number of in-patients reaches to 40,000 annually. It owns Xiamen Heart Center, Center of Xiamen Clinical Laboratories, Research Institute of Digestive Disease of Xiamen University, Research Institute of Organ of Xiamen University and Xiamen Research Institute of Aging Medical Rehabilitation etc. Gastroenterology, hepatobiliary surgery, neurology, neurosurgery, Cardiac Surgery, cardiology and Orthopedic are the key departments in Xiamen. •The First Hospital of XiaMen.

The first Hospital is one of Xiamen’s premier 3A general hospitals which provides medication, teaching, scientific research, healthcare, disease prevention in one unit and an affiliated hospital of Fujian Medical University. It’s also a teaching hospital of Xiamen University and Fujian University of T. C. M. The hospital has a branch in XinLin where is in the suburb of Xiamen and a branch in GuLangYu. It has 2700 beds and 48 clinical medical technology departments The total staff is over 3020, including 600 senior specialists and more thant 300 Masters, Doctors, 30 advisors of PH.

D & MA candidate,15 State Department special allowance experts etc The number of outpatients and emergency patients reaches to 2. 633 million and the number of in-patients reaches to 52,000 annually. It owns Xiamen Oncology Center, Urinary System Disease Treatment Center of Xiamen, Newborn Rescue&Care Center of Fujian, P. E. T. Center of Southern Fujian . The ncology surgery, urology, cardiology, ENT surgery in this hospital is the key departments in Xiamen. • XiaMen Hospital of T. C. M (traditional Chinese medicine).

XiaMen Hospital of T.C. M is a 3A general hospital which provides medication, teaching, scientific research, healthcare, disease prevention in one unit. It’s also an affiliated hospital of Fujian University of T. C. M. and clinical hospital of Beijing T. C. M Hospital in XM. It’s the largest general hospital of T. C. M. in Fujian province. The total staff is over 1000,including 150 Chief physicians & associated Chief Physician, 15 advisors of MA candidate, 4 State Department special allowance experts .

6 national famous senior T. C. M.doctors The hospital has 900 beds (300 in the branch). And 48 clinical departments & medical technology departments, 12 clinical teaching and researching rooms. The number of outpatients and emergency patients reaches to 1. 0 million and the number of in-patients reaches to 16,000 annually. •The 174th hospital of People’s Liberation Army The 174th hospital is a 3A army general hospital which provides medication, teaching, scientific research, healthcare, disease prevention in one unit. It’s a Clinical Medical Institute of Anhui medical University.

And It’s also a teaching hospital of The Fourth Military Medical University, Southern Medical Hospital, Medical College of Nanchang University, Fujian Medical University The total staff is over 1000. The hospital has 800 beds . It has 35 departments. 27 of them are clinical departments, 4 are medical technology departments ,4 are functional departments. The number of outpatients and emergency patients reaches to 0. 35 million and the number of in-patients reaches to 40,000 annually. The spinal surgery in the Orthopedic department, traumatic surgery, micro surgery are eminent in the 174th hospital .

•Xiamen Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital/Lin Qiao Zhi Women’s and Children’s Hospital Xiamen Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital/Lin Qiao Zhi Women’s and Children’s Hospital is a maternal and child healthcare and medical consultation center in Xiamen. It is the only 3A maternal and child specialist clinic in Xiamen which provides healthcare, disease prevention,medication, scientific research, family planning and sexual and reproductive health service in one unit. There are more than 651 staff, 72 senior level staff, and 82 intermediate level medical and technical staff under the management hierarchy.

The hospital has over 60,000 sq m floor space, 500 beds, and 5 operation theaters, which fulfilled international hygiene standard. The nutrition laboratory in the hospital plays a leading role in China, and is the only nutrition laboratory in Xiaman, which provides nutrition consultation service to the pregnant women and children. •Xiamen Eye Center Xiamen Eye Center is the only 3A ophthalmic specialist clinic in Xiamen which provides medication, scientific research, blindness prevention in one unit. It’s established in Nov.

1997 and affiliated with Xiamen University officially in jun 2006. There are more than 300 staff, over 100 senior level staff, and more than 10 intermediate level medical and technical staff under the management hierarchy. The hospital has 20000 sq m floor space, 260 beds with total number of 0. 25 million out-patients/emergency patients and more than 10,000 in-patients annually, among them about 30,000 being operated on. . ?Xiamen ChangGeng Hospital Xiamen ChangGeng Hospital is the first hospital of Formosa Plastic Group, which is the largest group in TaiWan.

It is the only privately-owned high level hospital which provides medication, teaching, scientific research, healthcare, disease prevention in one unit in Xiamen. The hospital is established in 2005 and located in haicang district in Xiamen. The building area is 1. 4 million sq meter and has 226,681 sq m floor space. It plans to have 3000 beds and will set up 2000 beds at first phase and 500 beds is in use now. •The 3rd hospital of Xiamen The 3rd Hospital is a 3B general hospitals which provides medication, teaching, scientific research, healthcare, disease prevention in one unit.

It’s in the suburb of Xiamen ,It’s a clinical teaching hospital of Fujian Medical University ,Fujian Medical University of T. C. M. and Putian Univesity The hospital has over 82,000 sq m floor space and 700 beds . The total staff is over 1250,including 94 senior level staff, 203 intermediate level staff and 45 masters. The number of out-patients and emergency patients reaches to 0. 57 million and the number of in-patients reaches to 32,000 annually. •XiaMen Dental Hospital Xiamen Dental Hospital is the only 3 level dental specialist clinic in Xiamen.

There are more than 180 staff,including 22 Masters or higher educations background,26 associated Chief Physician,3 advisors of MA candidate. 70% of them are under undergraduated educational background second level 2A ?????? xiamen lianhua hospital ?????????? xiamen tongan district tongmin hospital ????????? xiamen tongan district tongmin hospital of T. C. M ???????? xiamen tongan district hospital ?????????? ?????? xiamen renan hospital 2B ?????? xiamen university hospital ?????????? xiamen siming district renmin hospital ??

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1. ) How well is the hospital currently utilizing its beds? The hospital stay cycles have been provided: | Mon Beds| Tue Beds| Wed Beds| Thu Beds| Fri Beds| Sat Beds| Sun Beds| Available Beds| 90| 90| 90| 90| 90| …

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