Francesca Firmin Bacteria Nvq

– Iden? fy the di? erences between bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. 1. 5 – Identify poor practices that may lead to the spread of infection. Answer to 1. 5 – Poor practises that may lead to the spread of infection can be poor personal hygiene, incorrect disposal of rubbish/ waste/ chemicals, not washing your hands correctly, not wearing PPE, not storing or cooking foods properly, not cleaning your surroundings, not covering your nose or mouth when sneezing or coughing, sharing towels, tooth/hair brushes, not following policies or reporting outbreaks/or episodes of diseases, direct contact with bodily fluids and waste. 2. Understand the transmission of infection.

2. 1 – Explain the conditions needed for the growth of micro – organisms. Answer 2. 1 – Micro-organisms need food for growth, they like high protein food such as poultry and fish. Most micro-organisms need warmth and grow best at 20-40c. They need moisture to multiply, and they also need air to multiply thought some can live without and they need time (A single micro-organisms becomes two every twenty minutes). 2. 2 Explain the ways an infective agent might enter the body. Answer to 2.

2 – Infective agents can possibly enter the body through nose, mouth, eyes, cuts or sores on hands or other parts of the body, can be through contaminated water or food, close contact with an infected person, contact with the faeces of an infected person, breathing in the droplets when an infected person sneezes or coughs. 2. 3 Identify common sources of infection.

Answer to 2. 3 – Common sources of infection can be down to poor practise. Can be that somebody is not wearing the correct PPE, can be because hands are not being washed properly and correctly, can be somebody not sterilising equipment properly, forgetting to wash your hands after being in contact with body fluids, stroking an animal or sneezing or coughing, not cooking or storing food properly, can be from contaminated water. Someone could not follow the policies and procedures with reporting an outbreak of infection or diseases.

2. 4 Explain how infective agents can be transmitted to a person. Answer to 2. 4 – Infective agents can be transmitted to a person through being in contact with the infected persons fasces, sharing the same equipment, stroking an animal and not washing your hands, can be from contaminated water or food, can be from someone sneezing or coughing and not putting their hand over their mouth and you can inhale the droplets, through contact with bodily fluids, and not wearing the correct PPE.

2. 5 Identify the key factors that will make it more likely that infection will occur. Answer to 2. 5 – Some key factors that makes infection more likely to occur are sometimes simply poor practise, such as not wearing correct PPE, not washing hands correctly, not storing and cooking food correctly, someone who is vulnerable such as babies, young children, elderly people and people already suffering health problems as these people can have very low immune systems which make them a good target for infection, and open wounds or sores, (especially on hands. ). Francesca Firmin.

1. 1 Bacteria are one celled micro-organisms that get their nutrients fro their environment to live eg: The human body. Bacteria causes infections and can reproduce either inside or outside the body. Viruses are pieces of nucleic acid (DNA or …

Bacteria cells come in a variety of shapes and sizes, however all bacteria’s have the same basic structure, below is a image of bacteria cell with labels identifying what a bacteria cell consists of: VIRUSES – viruses are smaller than …

Aas well as human bodies and other living organisms such as plants and animals. Bacteria multiplies by its self to progress and spread. Unlike other infections such as viruses, fungi or parasites bacteria is not always harmful in fact in …

These organisms are made up of just one cell. They have the power to divide so can multiply on their own. Some bacteria are harmless and can be of use in the aid of digestion and are found in the …

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