Foundations of human services

1. Identify the four themes of human services. The four themes of human services include concerns with problems in living, the increase in problems in the modern world, the need for self-sufficiency and the goals of social care, social control and rehabilitation. 2. Identify professional disciplines that influence human services. Human services professionals are taught information and acquire skills that can be transferred to numerous settings. Professional disciplines that influence human services with knowledge and values include Phycology, Sociology, Biology and Anthropology.

3. How have societal viewpoints concerning mental illness or health influenced human services over the past three centuries? Before the middle ages society believed that if an individual had mental illness it was because they were filled with evil sprits. Families were the main caregivers to the mentally ill but they treated them very inhumanely. In the 3rd century is when a physician by the name of Hippocrates used the scientific approach to explain and treat mental illness.

Religious Catholic figures from the 1500 are considered by some to be the first human services professionals; they helped help establish institutions for the poor, orphans, elderly and disabled. By the end the 18th century the care for the mentally ill changed dramatically in areas of more humane treatment, better diets, daily exercise and development of the mind. The history of events that took place towards individuals with mental problems has helped human services understand and provide greater care for over time. 4.

How have societal viewpoints concerning child welfare influenced human services over the past three centuries? There are several social view points concerning child welfare that has influenced human services such as the children who have behavioral problems, which is why juvenile facilities have been opened to help theses children. Due to the fact of how children lived in crowded and poor conditions, this led to children being placed in homes because society believes that children are more vulnerable and should be cared for.

Laws were put into place to help children in need. 5. How have societal viewpoints concerning incarceration and probation influenced human services over the past three centuries? The earliest for of prohibition began in 1813 as they began placing youth offenders under the supervision of officers and officials. In 1841 a new form of supervision was formed known as the friendly supervision. This began bailing drunks and other violators out of jail in hopes of helping these individuals to establish a better life and make positive choices.

In the 19th century salvation Army facilities were opened to also help adults in need of food, clothes, shelter and finding work. 6. Explain how political and legislative changes have affected client care. Client care in being affected in a negative way due to the human services funding deficient, this has caused direct cuts to the programs. The political relationship links governmental policies as well as funding together.

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HIV/AIDS is a worldwide pandemic that has ravished the lives of countless millions of people, since its discovery, more than 30 years ago. HIV/AIDS can be addressed through all three models of service delivery. Each of the models (Medical Model, …

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