Food System

I believe that food system sustainability is one issue that governments worldwide, especially those of the First World countries, should consider. The constant rise of global population has gradually destroyed the equilibrium of sustainability, as the number of people requiring more food and water supply to satisfy their hunger and thirst increased. Environmental pollution and exploitation by people — especially corporations — have also caused scarcity in resources that are needed for food production.

In reality, the future of the world seems darker, as these factors would remain uncontrollable. Environmental awareness has risen globally, as governments started to address the issue in growing force. However, with the increase of global population, the need for farmlands has grown, forcing the developing and underdeveloped countries to continue deforestation. This continuous destruction of the environment would unleash its vengeful force in the future.

Also, it is important for food prices to reflect its true production cost so as to avoid discouraging those producing the food. After all, constant encouragement of these producers would lead to better food supply for everyone. It may be ideal for agricultural lands to be closer to urbanized areas, but constant urban expansion has forced agricultural lands to decrease in size and number. 1. Indeed, it is true that food cost and supply would be best if agricultural lands were closer to neighborhoods.

However, the constant expansion of urbanization — as population would grow — eats up the available land for food production. I agree that there is an excess of food in First World countries which can afford it, causing an imbalance in global food supply. Food is a resource that people could not afford to waste. However, some all-you-can-eat restaurants tend to waste this resource, which could at least feed the starving population.

I agree that factory farming of livestock has caused an imbalance in food supply, since great supply of grain and other crops have been used to feed these livestock, in exchange for a small amount of meat. In relation to the constant growth of world population, such wasteful food production is highly discouraged since it could be used to feed more people rather than livestock. This continuous practice, paired up with the scarcity of resources vital for food production and distribution, might lead the world into a bleak future.

I would agree to the fact that people have started to see the importance of food sustainability. Sadly, only some people are taking action to control the factors that affect food sustainability like population growth and the environment. It is important to control these factors since it would eventually provide a more stable food supply for future generations, and acting at the present would create a better world for tomorrow. I would also agree with the idea of giving incentives to corporations who adhere to the restrictions that governments provide.

4. I would agree with the idea of the First World countries, especially the United States, to serve as examples in promoting the welfare of the environment. The rapid developing countries should be supervised rather than restricted. If restrictions were to be made, it would be quite unfair for these countries since it hinders their economic growth and development. Technology should also be shared globally in order to create a better ecosystem in the future. Acting in unison will generate a more significant impact on the world than acting alone.

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