Food patient

There are basically two very powerful moral or rather ethical philosophies in which the medical practitioners and ethicists use to make decision that is deontology and utilitarian. Deontologist believes in responsibility that is based on ethics that take into account the inherent correctness of activities rather concentrating on the consequences. The withdrawal of food and fluid is very contentious topic in terms of the deontology perception because of the death outcome which is considered as terminating of the innocent life (Perrin. & McGhee 2001).

There are four fundamental main beliefs of ethics in medical care and they are; Autonomy, Doing (Beneficence), non munificence (acting in good faith) and justice. Deontologists argue that morality is an essential aspect in daily living and should be founded on reason. Categorical imperative which is an aspect of deontology as an ethical theory describes the behavior of people and suggested that character should be in accordance with the maxims they would want to witness become universal customs and that human being should not treat each other as a means to an end (Slote 2001).

Deontology is a direct opposite of utilitarianism and it is viewed as the best alternative because utilitarianism downplays the ethical importance of essential elements of humanity like human rights, respect protecting the minor and dignity. The utilitarianism concept does not appreciate the incommensurable and intrinsic worth of any of the human elements including human life. However deontology theory is an extreme consequential and does not clearly address the consequences and this has brought about a lot of confusion since clarity requires a lot of scrutiny.

In choosing not to withhold food because it would cause death of the patient as advocated for by deontologist does not give an account of the consequences of such an Under this theory, one is expected to do what is right regardless of whether it would deny interfere with his/her happiness; this sometimes appears to be insensible(Slote 2001). For instance if a person attempts to do something good for you but messes up and results in problem you should not fault him no assumption that he intended something good.

Giving food to the patients could result in bad effects or the results could be beneficial at all. Goodwill is described as the will or intent of doing the correct thing only for the sake of it. The theory is sometimes viewed as merely regulative because there is no evidence that it is actualizable. Deontology therefore strictly oppose the idea of withholding food and fluid to patients claiming that this would be disrespect to human dignity and undermining the sanctity of life which should be respected at all costs(Perrin. & McGhee 2001).

Deontology is absolute and is considered very accurate and better than utilitarian as it is precise. Utilitarianism View Utilitarian moral philosophy is basically inclined towards the general outcomes of some actions and most likely the preferences and desires of people. This means that the result of doing something or undertaking an action is of the main concern. In the utilitarian perspective, one has to put into consideration the desires of all the stake holders or all the people that could be probably affected by a certain activity and prearrange for the best achievable consequence (Gert et al 1997).

The critiques of the utilitarian have suggested that this approach does not have respect for humanity and that it doers not recognize that life is sacred. Utilitarianism in the event of say for instance when the medical bills are very high, some people could be sacrificed. This is because the theory supports sacrifice of some aspects that are basic need for the greater good. Another example could be that when a large number of people need to be treated, then the finances available will be allocated fairly to most of them and it may end up that those who require costly medication would loose out (Escott-Stump 2008).

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