Food or clothing to drugs

Increase in drug use takes on a conventional growth model where one starts slowly and steps into the exponential level characterized by doubling rates of intake and before long one is stuck with drugs (Milkman,& Wanberg, 2005). Increase in the intake is mainly in response to the need to feel high like one initially did and counter the effects of tolerance. Another notable effect of drug use is the recklessness. Unprotected sex, unwanted pregnancies and risky behaviors like sharing hypodermic needles have all been blamed on being ‘high’.

Hepatitis and AIDS infections are highest among drug users due to the risk they are placed on by being ‘high’ that they cannot even think straight and stand for their wellbeing (Hanson, Venturelli, & Fleckenstein, 2005). In fact, most people under influence of drugs rarely think they just do what they feel and the results are often disastrous. Increased sexual activity due to the disinhibiting effects of drugs put drug users in positions where they are at greater risk of prostitution and unprotected sex which has a number of effects that affect individual health and social welfare (Miller, & Carroll, 2006).

The purity of illegal drugs can only be ascertained by drug lords and their testers thus user are exposed to varying levels of concentration therefore the levels of intake cannot be controlled by the users (Miller,& Carroll, 2006). One may be taking the same amount but double the concentration thus addiction cannot be avoided. Addiction, tolerance, irresponsibility and dependence all combine to lead to the over 10000 deaths reported in America that result directly from use of drugs (Currell, 2006).

People take drugs to their death when their systems just shut down due to the levels of performance required of them by drugs taken. Heroin, morphine and cocaine are the key culprits to cause of deaths. Alcohol taken with other drugs often cause blackouts and a substance that can cause a blackout clearly has the ability to cause death. Effects Addiction and the need to continuously use the substance are the key cause of the negative effects associated with use of drugs at a personal level. This does not imply they are the only causes to the use of drugs.

As already discussed, addiction has considerable effects on the individual. Humans are social beings and they tend to relate to others for reasons that will be of benefit to them and the animal urge of being close to one another. People tend to cluster around others that are interested in the areas they are. Drug use and its addiction is a preoccupation that pulls one to other drug users and soon an individual who has a variety of is likely to relate to peddlers and other drug users (Currell, 2006).

Relationship with other family members becomes constrained especially if they condemn the company one keeps and use of drugs. Anyone who is not taking ‘ dope’ is not let in and this pushes one into addiction and drug dependence. Addiction is the worst effect of drug abuse and an individual level. The physical effects of abuse on individual health are akin a deathly disease that affects the physical, psychological and physical being.

All faculties of health are affected by use of drugs and addiction. Order of priorities in terms of needs is effectively transformed as one dependency on drugs can effectively transform money for food or clothing to drugs. Personal development becomes constrained due to preoccupation with drugs which are costly (Monti, Colby, & O’Leary, 2004). How many families and relationships have been destroyed because one of the partners was interested in drugs than the well-being of the other?

Drugs like cocaine and heroine have made drug lords and even support terrorists organizations not just because of their popularity but also due to their cost. Illegal drug trade is flourishing due to the large money involved and the users have to pay for. Addiction is on the other hand independent of the users ability to raise the money requires to gain access to the drugs thus addicts turns to petty crimes like burglary and even prostitution to raise money to sustain their use of drugs.

Use of drugs is associated with a multitude of negative effects that if the drug abuser were in their right frame of mind they would never even attempt using the substances. The problem however is that drug users are slaves …

?Definition of Drugs and Drug Abuse; Where We Stand Today. Drugs are substances that people use to enhance their performance in sports, physical activities and just mainly to perform daily activities. Mainly, there is probably no precise definition of drugs, …

The hard drugs are highly addictive, although one, two, or even three attempts will not make an addict, in most instances. Indeed, the first use will produce nausea and feelings of fear. But, given a socially supportive environment – “friends” …

Besides the illicit drugs, the prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs are also commonly abused by the young people. In a study by Bell (1984) the most commonly used prescription drugs by the young people were categorized as sedatives, tranquilizers, and …

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