Food and Nutrition

Does the food we eat really matters? How about its portion size and calorie content of every bite, will it gives the body a healthy benefits? These questions probably give an idea on how one should perceive the importance of food and its nutrients as well. Nutrition then plays an important role in one’s life. It affects even from before birth and will continue in other major ways, depending on the choices of food. People decide what to eat, when to eat, and even where to eat in highly personal ways, often based on behavioral or social purposes rather than on awareness of nutrition’s significance to health.

Fortunately, many different food choices can be healthy ones, but nutrition responsiveness helps to make them so. Restaurants offer huge portions of value meals that supply an entire day’s calories and fat. And because of this, most consumers eat more calories than they know. In weight management, they believe that the kind of food they utilize is more significant than its amount. Obviously, they wonder why their weight increases. Knowing the standard serving sizes is important to good nutrition.

There are “standardized” serving sizes that will help provide the consumers, fast food chain managers and health professionals the appropriate portions per meal but still individual portion sizes vary, because people have different caloric requirements and health needs. Food models are often used to estimate the portion sizes of every food. There are several factors which contribute to the daily requirement of a person, particularly the portion sizes of what he eats. One of these factors is the level of physical activity.

As the physical activity increases, the caloric intake should also increase to compensate the energy losses during the daily work. Eating at home is more convenient and reliable when it comes to portion sizes than eating in restaurants. The serving sizes of the food eaten, with the use of food models, can be measured onto the plates and bowls. Number of servings can be quantified, depending on the dietary needs of the person whether to gain, lose or maintain weight. Usually, “family size” serving portions are avoided rather, appropriate kitchen portions are used. On the other hand, regular meal should not be blown out in a restaurant.

Even if large portion of meal is served, do not hesitate to ask for a smaller one. It may not seem cost-effective but it is worth it in maintaining the proper nutrition. In finding out for foods that will benefit health, make a choice that will offer and respond an abundant selection of health-promoting foods and beverages. Choose food not because it will improve the physical appearance but rather beneficial when based on sound nutrition and fitness knowledge.

Work Cited “Understanding Portion Control. ”Food and Nutrition Articles. 29 January 2008 <http://www. bellybytes. com/all_articles/portion_control. html/>.

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