Food and Drug

Another form of imminotherapy involves the intravenous injections of monoclonal anti-IgE antibodies. This method is effective in treating most allergies and highly effective when it come to treating people with food allergies (Donald, 2000). The other form of immunotherapy is the sublingual immunotherapy, which is a treatment involving oral administration of drugs. Most people and hospitals whereby it is endorsed by otolarygologists who practice allergy treatment are currently accepting it. This method can help JR if at all the itching and watering of eyes and nose occur as a result of food allergy or bacteria.

The forth method of treating Type 1 hypersensitivity is using enzyme potentiated desensitization (EPD). This method of treatment involves using dilutions of allergen and an enzyme called beta aglucuronidase to which T-regulatory lymphocytes are supposed to respond for allowing and enhancing desensitization or down-regulation instead of sensitization. This method has not been found to be effective in treating most allergies and up to date it is still not recommended by doctors (Stephen, 2002).

Pharmacotherapy whereby drugs are used to stop the activities of allergic mediators is also used to treat allergies. The antagonistic drugs prevent activation of cells and the degranulation process. Effective administration or use of these drugs will help in eliminating various symptoms of allergy at the earliest stages of development. However the method is not very much effective in treating severe allergies. Specific areas where they have been useful include helping a patient to recover from anaphylaxis more so those allergic to bee stings, peanuts, nuts and shellfish.

In this case an injection of epinephrine to these people will help. Other drugs that can be used apart from epinephrine include antihistamines, cortisone, dexamethasome, hydrocortisone, theophylline and cromolyn sodium (Donald and Malcolm, 2000). There are cases where the use of these drugs might fail. In case of failure, alternative therapies/medicines such as naturopathic, herbal medicine, homeopathy, Chinese medicine and kinesiology may be used. The only problem with these treatment modalities is that the United States Food and Drug Administration have not approved them.

They are only being given to those who want additional assistance when the mainstream medicine has failed to totally sweep out the allergy symptoms from a person. Though they are effective but most qualified physicians still maintain that these treatment methods lack a scientific basis . Type of cell Usual characteristics/function HIV-infected cell characteristic/dysfunction CD4+ It has four immunoglobin domains (D1 to D4) that are exposed on the intracellular surface of the cell. It uses its D1 Domain to interact with the B2- domain of MHC class II molecules.

It emphasizes the signal generated by the TCR by recruiting the tyrosinekinase lck that is essential for activating many molecules involved in the signaling cascade of an activated T. cell It is used by HIV-1 to gain entry into host T cells. The HIV virus attaches to it allowing the outer membrane of the virus to fuse with the T cell membrane. TH1 They participate in cell-mediated immunity in the body They helps in controlling intracellar pathogens such as viruses and some bacteria like listeria. TH2 Provide help for B cells Used by HIV to kill the B cell therefore weakening the body.

Case B. Type of cell Usual characteristics/functions HIV-infected cell characteristics/dysfunctions CD8+ It serves as a co-receptor (TCR). It is mostly expressed on the surface of cytotoxic T cells. They are used by the HIV-1 to enter the body cells or T cells Monocytes They produce cytokines and trigger inflammatory processes through the production of toxic radicals In infected person the respiratory system of the person might be blocked as a result of respiratory tract infections B-lymphocytes Fights the HIV infection in the body.

Found in lymphoid tissues. The HIV-1 infection leads to destruction and degeneration of B-lymphocytes regeneration. NK Plays critical role in the regulation of class 1-Deficient Hemopoietic stem cell engraftment It helps in the rejection of hemopoietic stem cell (HSC). An increase in IL-1, IL-6 and TNF will increase HIV-1 transcription (Jakobsen and Gao, 2000). This shows that any increase in these substances will bring disturbance in the immune system leading to secondary manifestations of immune activation (Lauren, 2003).

For example increasing TNF will result in the depletion of the CD4+ lymphocyte populations (Devine and Sun, 1999). The body will be weak and due to additional strength of the virus in the body.

Reference: Donald Y. M and Malcolm W. G (2000) Allergic Skin Disease: A multi disciplinary Approach. London: informa healthcare. Devine L, and Sun J (1999). Orientation of the lg domains of CD8 alpha Beta relative to MH class 1. Journal Immunal 162(2) 846-51

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