Florida Nurses Association

Florida Nurses Association

            The Florida Nurses Association website is designed with simplicity and ease of use for the user in mind. The red, blue and white colors of the site remind us that nurses are both heroic and capable of treating anyone without giving any attention to race, or color. Just like the citizens of the country they serve. The entrance page of the website is tightly designed in order to save space but does not seem cluttered at all. Each section is clearly identified with self-explanatory titles and the photos on the page do not distract from the written text.

            As a nursing association, the Florida nurses association is guided by the mission of being able to assist all registered nurses who will need help in professional development, advocacy, and promotion of excellence. The association strives to promote excellence in the nursing profession at every level of the job. The Florida Nurses Association can be considered a prestigious association because it is the only state nursing organization in existence. As such, the association can be considered a nurse’s defender that does not discriminate against any nursing specialty or practice setting. With the strong belief that ” nurses are the gateway to a healthier nation.” The association continues to represent nurses in various causes and situations they face by working for a safer and healthier working environment that will benefit the nurses and help them keep the state of Florida healthy as well.

            The Florida Nurses Association is not blind follower to rules and regulations. The association also participates in legislative activities. Bibi Lowton represents the association as the Legislative District Coordinator. As her title implies, part of her job is to entice the association members to participate in various legislative programs by emailing their area representatives and senators, signing petitions and other information dissemination methods. The Legislative coordinator is also the mediator between the nurses and the state. Her job is to make sure that there is no misinformation relayed to either parties and that both sides have a clear picture of the issues and possible solutions on hand as developed by the government and the state nurses.

            Some of the legislative stands the association has taken pertain to various situations facing nurses. For example, the advocate the Work Place Programs that serves as the introduction to the general advocacy’s of the association. The FNA also collaborates with other health related institutions regarding issues of utmost importance. Some of these organizations are the Florida Board of Nursing, Deans and Directors of Florida’s nursing programs, the Florida Hospital Association, the Florida Organization of Nurse Executives and The Florida Center for Nurses. The FNA also represents nurses in union talks with their employers through the Labor Employment Relations Commission. This is the negotiating arm of the FNA that negotiate contracts, address employment problems, and basically deals with any employment issues.

            The FNA strives to maintain an excellent quality of member nurses by assisting them I acquiring training and classes that will help enhance their nursing skills. The members participate in conferences in order o promote a healthy exchange of ideas between members, offer FNA foundation scholarships and grants, and provide financial aid for nurses in need through the “Nurses in Need” fund.

            Overall, the FNA website was designed to increase membership using their publicity over the Internet. Everything you need to know, as well as the justification for joining the association are clearly presented within the easy to navigate and concise website.

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