Fitness testing methods

The score for the chin up test was quite good; as I have improved from the previous times I have completed the test. In evaluating I am comparing results with the ‘norm of the population’ (Davis, Bull and Roscoe 1997, p120). According to those results I have a chin up rating level of ‘excellent’ which is the highest in the category of ‘male’. There is also the ‘female’ category that has lower results due to the different physical characteristics of male and females. The score I attained could be improved by exercises related to using our own bodyweight i.e. press ups but also using weight exercises that will help the muscles used in this test (triceps and shoulders). (Davis, Bull and Roscoe 1997, p120).

The result for the press up tests was the highest which is ‘superior’ for my age group (15-29). The other ages are 30-39, 40-49, 50-59 and 60 + and the levels are superior, excellent, very good, good, average, poor and very poor (in that order). My results could be improved by developing the upper body muscles including the deltoids, triceps and chest using weights. These would help me carry my own body weight more effectively and produce better results in the test at a later stage. (Class work notes) (Davis, Bull and Roscoe 1997, p121).

My score for the handgrip test according to the norm of the population was ‘good’. The other levels for this test are excellent, average, fair and poor. This test calculates the strength of the forearm muscles (flexors and extensors) so I could improve my score in the future by doing weight bearing exercises including biceps curls that would help develop those muscles. (Class work notes) (Davis, Bull and Roscoe 1997, p119).

M3: Analyse and evaluate the reliability, validity, accuracy and safety of the fitness testing methods explained Strength can be measured by using dynamometers, which can show the amount of force produced by particular muscles or areas. An easy test to do is the Handgrip dynamometer that measures grip strength produced by the muscles in the forearm. You have to record the maximum recorded on each hand. A good point about the test that it is easy to do and not complicated so mistakes are not that common. Also it is accurate and reliable because of this. However the validity of the test can be questioned because it only shows the strength of the forearm and no other muscles. (Hodder and Stoughton 2000, p101)

The bleep test that was explained earlier has a few advantages and disadvantages. One of the advantages is that the test can be evaluated because the score gained can be checked with published tables in books. Another is that not much equipment is needed. Finally another benefit is that a large amount of people can participate in the test at once. One of the bad points is that the test requires maximum effort of the person so the scores depend on the motivation of that person so the test isn’t entirely reliable. The test is designed to test the ‘VO2 max’ (amount of oxygen a person can take in) however it can only predict that and can absolutely be an accurate measure of the VO2 max. The last point is that this test favours runners because swimmers for example may not produce a good performance as they would in the swimming pool. (Hodder and Stoughton 2000, p102)

The last test I am going to analyse is the thirty-metre sprint (explained in task 2). The advantage of the test is that you don’t need much equipment and the equipment is easy to get. However the reliability and accuracy could be questioned because the person timing may get the timing wrong. The second bad point is that it depends on what type of running service and the weather conditions and these may affect the results i.e. a wet surface may slow times down. (Hodder and Stoughton 2000, p102) D2: Justify the use of fitness testing methods for entry to the public services

Physical Fitness is the ‘ability of the human body to meet demands imposed by the environment and daily life’ (Encarta 1999). In the Army the environment could be harsh and would require a person to be physically strong and be able to survive in all sorts of terrain and you may have to walk for miles. Physical fitness helps recruits meet those demands that the environment may place. Fitness tests not only show their strengths and weakness at a particular time but also show their potential so they can identify what they can do producing a marker to see if army life is the right one for them. For example if a recruit can do the 1.5 mile run well then their fitness can be developed and improved so that they are able to do 5 or six miles that may be required when on an operation. (

In terms of actual test the Army use the 1.5 mile run, press up test which is the amount of press you can do in two minutes, and the sit up test (as many in two minutes). In order to pass the twelve weeks of basic training they have to do the 1.5 mile run in under 10mins 30 sec for males for jobs and faster times for the infantry. The time is also different for females’ people going into different areas of the Army. You also have to do a certain number for the other two tests.

The press up tests is a good way of showing how well a person can lift their bodyweight and shows their upper body strength and endurance. This could be very important when on the assault causes the Army use because being able to lift your body is needed to get over obstacles. The test is also beneficial because when completing the assault courses you have to do it with Army with military equipment such as a helmet, rife and other kit where strength and endurance is needed. (Army careers guide 2002, page 11)


Tests are a great way to study someone’s fitness as it can show what they are good at and what they are not. Therefore people can set targets for improvement and fitness programmes can be designed . The public services such as the British Army use tests to see if recruits are fit enough for army life because it can be tough and physically demanding so being fit is very important in that area. They also do many tests during their ‘basic training’ to get basic scores for certain tests then every two or three weeks do those tests again to see if there is improvement because the Army have certain entry requirement and results on physical tests are a part of that.

Variance which is part of the principles of training is very important because it can stop bordness and help motivation but is more enjoyable and the Army incorporates that in its training by playing sport and other team activities. The purpose of this assignment was to look at principle of training, explain fitness testing and apply their importance to the British Army and other public services.

As you can see, I improved on all my tests. More bleep test stood out the most. Previously I got level 10 and stated that I wanted to improve this. I went on the treadmill for 20 minutes almost every …

VO2max – this is the maximal oxygen uptake which indicates aerobic fitness – the ability to sustain work for prolonged periods. It essentially shows the efficiency of the CVR system. There are two types – relative and absolute. Relative VO2max …

There are many principles of training. The basic training principles help coaches to design programmes that are specific and safe for an individual athlete. The training principles outlined below will appear to focus mostly on fitness training but the majority …

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