Fitness programme

1. The Cooper Run. Here, the distance you run in twelve minutes is used as a test of aerobic fitness. You have to jog to warm up. When the whistle goes, you must run as fast as you can. Our circuit was four cones twenty-five meters apart, so one lap was a hundred meters. Stop when the twelve minutes are up the further you ran the fitter you are. 2. Vertical Jump Test. This tests the power or explosive strength of your leg muscles what you have to do is stand next to a tall wall stand up straight put the arm closest to the wall up the wall at full length then put a mark there with a pen or something similar then have a standing jump when at full height put a mark there measure the distance between them the higher you go the more powerful your legs

3. Thirty-Meter Sprint. This is a test of speed. The quicker time you get the faster you are. There are two sets of cones thirty meters apart but there is a twenty meter cap before you start so you can get a running start this enables you to pick up maximum speed. 4. Illinois agility run. This is a test of agility and speed. This is a test of speed because you must time yourself and agility because there are many twists and turns in it. 5. The Standing Long Jump. The standing long jump is similar to the vertical jump test (see point 2), in it strengthens your leg muscles and you measure distance. For this you must stand still at the end of a long jump mat, then without a run up jump as far as you can and measure it. You must use your Best Length.

6. Sit Up Test. I didn’t do this test for two reasons they were that it was quite time consuming, time was something I didn’t have and it was also the test that would have helped me the least because I do not need to improve the muscular endurance of my abdominal muscles (see Muscular System). I’m going to use these test results in my evaluation to prove that my fitness levels did increase during and at the end of my six-week training programme, they were also a helpful indirection of how high or low I should aim. These are important along with; links relating to health related components of fitness. I wanted to do all of the tests below but some were not available so we did other like the “thirty meter sprint” and “The sit and reach test.”

The links relating to health related components of fitness are: 1. Agility: I will test my agility by doing the Illinois test and I will test this at the beginning and at the end of the six-week training programme. 2. Endurance: I will test my endurance by doing The Cooper Test this is where you run as far and as fast as you can without stopping in twelve minuets round a circuit. This is good because you can easily see how much you improve over the six weeks on your endurance.

3. Strength (Legs only): I will test my leg strength by doing Vertical and Long Standing Jumps. This helps to build power and it uses explosive strength. 4. Stamina: I will test my stamina by doing The Multistage Fitness Test, this will be easy to see how much I increase or decrease in speed, I will sprint five times 1 circuit which is when both feet cross the two separate lines five meters apart this equals one. Awareness of safety aspects including: equipment, apparatus, physical, Psychological. It is important at the beginning of each session to make sure you are correctly dressed and warmed up before taking part in anything slightly strenuous otherwise this may lead to injures such as Pulls and tears in common muscles such as The Hamstring or Quadriceps, Or even damage Ligaments.

1: To improve endurance throughout tennis match, by the 1st of October and test this by 1st of October. I am going to test this by doing the multistage fitness test, which I did before and achieved level 8. 7. …

There are many principles of training. The basic training principles help coaches to design programmes that are specific and safe for an individual athlete. The training principles outlined below will appear to focus mostly on fitness training but the majority …

Introduction: I am a 15 year old female. I weigh 116lbs and lead a moderately active lifestyle. I play squash, do gymnastics, dance and visit the gym once a week. I also walk a mile and a half home from …

By observing my fitness scores, it is fair to say that I do have strength within me. Strength is the ability to apply force against a resistance (exert force with muscles). For the “hand dynamometer”, I used static strength. I …

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