Fitness program

AARP. org, an online community, suggested that boredom and time constraints are major reasons why individuals, who were desirous in having toned body and a well being, “fall off the wagon” and return to their old, familiar and unhealthy lifestyles. It, however, gave pointers on how to beat these barriers. (1) Challenge yourself. A new challenge can jump-start your “boring” fitness routine.

For example, if you walk, try a harder route which may either be longer or one with hills. (2) Get into social fitness. A friend or group can be a support system by encouraging you to conquer what seemed to be an impossibility or by simply laughing when you are bursting sweats. (3) Reward yourself. You deserve a great incentive.

It could be a fitness video, music CD, pedometer or other gadget, water bottle, or workout clothes – whatever you look forward to. Choosing Yoga According to abc-of-yoga. com, yoga is an ancient Indian body of knowledge which comes from the Sanskrit word “yuj” which means “to unite or integrate. ” Yoga is said to be “a union of a person’s own consciousness and the universal consciousness. ” It is the integration of the mind, the body, and the spirit.

It has six branches: (1) Hatha Yoga or Yoga of Postures which uses physical poses or meditation to achieve better health, as well as spirituality; (2) Bhakti Yoga or Yoga of Devotion where yogis and yoginis who practice this branch see the Divine in everyone and everything; (3) Raja Yoga or Yoga of Self which is based on the teachings of the Eight Limbs of Yoga found in the Yoga sutras; (4) Jnana Yoga or Yoga of the Mind which deals with the mind, and as such, it focuses on man’s intelligence; (5) Karma Yoga or Yoga of Service which believes that a person’s present state is based on his past actions; and (6) Tantra Yoga or Yoga of Rituals which is uses rituals to experience what is sacred.

The sacrifice of having to endure a yoga class is not in vain. The health&yoga. com assures inspiring and practicing yogis and yoginis the benefits of yoga which includes: (1) increased flexibility as it involves positions that act upon various …

To work on you fitness, you first need to know and understand the aspects of it so it’s clear what you need to do to improve it. Being fit is central to our health and to our sense of well-being. Health …

My fitness program: I have decided on the most appropriate order for my fitness training regime that won’t exercise the same muscle groups next to each other as much as possible. However, this was not possible in a couple of …

What is the aim of my fitness program? The aim of my fitness program is to improve my performance of a sport; the sport I have chosen to do it for is Basketball. To improve I need to think about …

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