Fitness Assignment

Exercise is the series movement that a human does for the sake of training or improvement of health. Everyone has different effects to the exercise they are doing, even if they are doing the same thing. There are many benefits that you may achieve doing regular, consistent aerobic, resistance, and flexibility exercise. Exercise improves many things in our body. The benefits are essential and well needed to our body, so it can perform its regular bodily function without any problems.

Some benefits would be flexibility, cardiovascular & cardio respiratory function, functioning of our immune system, strength of muscles and tendons, skin tone, making our skin look more elastic, sleep patterns, self-esteem and a greater sense of self-reliance and self-confidence, ability to relax personal satisfaction and self-image, perceptions of acceptance by others, productivity, and last but not least, overall quality of life.

Also there are many things that exercise reduces. Many things that exercise reduces possibly could save your life or help you live a healthier life. Exercise reduces risk for heart disease and premature death, risk for stroke, risk of developing diabetes, reduces body weight or body fat, lowering our BMI, (BMI stands for Body Mass Index. It is a numerical value that most people and clinical places use to determine if a person is underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese. BMI gives a more accurate measure of total body fat than the evaluation of body weight alone). Exercise also reduces, risk for osteoporosis in females and males, depression and anxiety, frustration with daily problems. Lastly exercise allows for a more constructive response to disappointments and failures

There are many more benefits that exercise gives to the body. These benefits that exercise gives to the body are heavily important to the body. Exercise is very, very much needed to the body and without it the body would most likely not function properly and the human may end up with many problems. More benefits that exercise gives to the body is that it prevents/helps control high blood pressure, prevents/helps control high cholesterol, builds and maintains healthy bones, muscles, and joints, promotes a younger and healthier body, helps us manage stress more effectively, and provides an easy way to share activities with family and friends and an opportunity to meet new friends

Thirty minutes of moderate intensity activity, which is activity that causes small increases in breathing and heart rate, is highly recommended most, if not all days of the week. Anyone who wants to start an exercise should talk and discuss it with their physician. If you want to be successful and get the most, if not all the benefits, from an exercise program then find activities that we can enjoy and that we will want to participate in.

Aerobic activities that I can do by using the Intensity, Frequency, and Time or duration (the F.I.T formula) of each activity are (these are also activities that use large muscle groups) walking, jogging, cycling, aerobic dance, and stair climbing. Some other aerobic activities that I can do by using the F.I.T formula are (these are also activities combining upper and lower body movements) cross-country skiing, rowing, and swimming. Using the F.I.T. formula will help us meet our fitness goal. Frequency is the number of days we work out each week. I will probably vary my routine from day to day. Intensity means how much energy we use when we workout. The easy way to determine the intensity of my workout is if I will be able to talk when I am moving at the right pace. Time (duration) is how long each workout lasts. I will begin my exercise at a small time and make my way up to my fullest extent, depending on my capability of exercise of each session.

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