First Do No Harm: The Hypocrisy of Medicine

I am usually a proponent of freedom of choice, and essentially, I still am. After all, this is the great America, the country of choice; of freedom. We can choose where we want to live, with whom and for how long. Marriages aren’t arranged; neither is employment. It is definitely an equal opportunity environment. Being in such a liberated society is not without backlash. Some liberties have been taken for granted and become indecent. In our society, when seemingly normal people are, to use political terms, extreme left or extreme right, they often end up at one of three places; jail, insane asylum or dead.

Abortion is essentially legalized murder and many women and doctors have to be out of their minds to participate in such an unethical offense. There is a vast array of birth control options available today. There are condoms, spermicides, rings, patches, implants, pills, surgery and the most effective, abstinence. Notice I did not say abortion. Abortion is not a method of birth control, at least not in any book I have read. Yet many use it as such. Some of those who do not wish to procreate use no method of birth control whatsoever. They are the uninsured. Those that do are insured.

Some of the “insured” carry comprehensive coverage. They even have protection just in case the other “driver” does not. Some have liability, protecting others, but not themselves, and others are just completely uninsured. Those that fall into the liability category are the women who use birth control methods with a seemingly monogamous partner and they protect him from any collateral damage, but not themselves. The uninsured give caution to the wind. At any rate, those participants take the risk. The premium is often abortion. In reality, we care more about such things as cars, jewelry and homes than we do our own bodies.

We are more careful not to get into a collision with another automobile than to endure the repercussions of sex. It enrages me that we give so little meaning to our “mistakes. ” How can one be so quick to dismiss a life? We drive through life, wearing seatbelts, making sure to break and keep a safe distance behind others. Many in today’s society do not take the same precautions with their own bodies. Life is thus a lesser value to those willing to participate in abortions than an automobile. And why shouldn’t it be? We live in a society of hypocrisy. We produce enough food to feed the world two times over and yet we have starving people.

Education is free, but the drop out rate of high school students is phenomenal. Anyone can be anything that he wants, yet many choose to be homeless. The laws of the land are very liberated, yet many choose to be incarcerated. We have freedom of speech but many choose to be silent. The country was founded by immigrants, but we don’t want any. Insurance is to protect us in our time of need, yet many Katrina victims found it useless. Doctors can practice abortions, but not euthanasia. Land of the free, home of the brave; what is so brave about shirking responsibility? Many doctors perform births and abortions.

As you may notice, only eight percent prohibit abortion. Therefore, only a minute amount of physicians have vowed not to partake in it. In a society in which over thirty percent of women under 45 are participating in this procedure, …

I for one, find it particularly interesting, because these same doctors take the Hippocratic Oath: I swear by Apollo Physician and Asclepius and Hygieia and Panaceia and all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfil …

Procurement of abortion also predisposes women to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). PID frequencies at johns Hopkins hospital are 5. 2% for initial trimester and 18. 2% for second trimester abortions. Such percentages are likely to double within several USA unassociated …

The Act calls for the process to be certified by two medical personnel prior to execution. The National Health Service offers free abortion services in Great Britain. The Liberal Democrats and the Labour Party are pro-choice organizations. However, substantial members …

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