First Aid using herbal remedies

Martin is 9 years old has come home from playing at the park in the sun and has several injuries that his mum would like you to relieve. Firstly, the sun has been so hot that Martin’s face and arms are red from sunburn. Secondly, he has been throwing himself around and has several cuts and bruises that look rather sore. And finally, in Martin’s excitable play he also managed to get a splinter in his hand that as he put it `really really hurts!` His mum has asked for you to ease the pain and soreness of his injuries through use of herbal remedies. Provide details of herbs that you would use and why, plus provide information of what else you could do to ease Martin’s pains.

         There are many herbs and supplements that can be utilized to treat sunburns.  Once the skin gets burnt, it is very important that further damage is prevented by getting indoors and applying a wet towel or taking a cool bath.

Aloe vera seems to be very a useful herbal substance to treat sunburns.  Although, no direct studies exist to show the effect of aloe vera on sunburns, it is frequently utilized to treat burns and cuts; and relieve pain and inflammation.  Healing time for a burn treated with aloe vera was found to be much lesser than a burn covered with plain gauge.  It is grown throughout the world, and the extracts are obtained from the leaves.  Aloe vera was used in ancient Egypt and in the US since the 19th century.  It can be used as a gel, latex or extract in various herbal medications.  More than 500 species of Aloe vera exist in the world.  It has several useful uses such an encouraging wound healing (promotes faster wound closure), reducing psoriasis, improving the immune activity, enhancing healing of burns, etc.  It also seems to be very helpful in reducing the signs of various long-standing musculoskeletal disorders such as chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.  Aloe vera is usually applied as a gel on the surface of wounds, burns, cuts and bruises, two to three times a day until the wound heals.  It should be not used over deep wounds.  The agent may cause allergic reaction and rashes, and in that case further applications should be avoided.

         Echinacea is a wild flower belonging to the North American continent.  It is also very useful to treat wounds, bruises and cuts.  The plant is specially being grown in order to be commercially used.  Echinacea belong to the Daisy family.  The flower of Echinacea (when consumed) makes the tongue and lips to feel numb.  The drug has been used by the Native Americans traditionally to treat infected wounds, cuts, burns, abscesses, tooth pain, joint pain and also snake bites.  The herb has also been used to treat flu, cold, upper respiratory tract infections (some useful effect in bronchitis has also been observed), eczema and other skin inflammatory disorders.  The agent works by boosting the action of the immune system, reducing inflammation and encouraging regeneration of healthy cells in wounds.  Echinacea can be utilized in the form of a tinctures, fluid extracts, solid extracts, dried root extracts, ointments, gels and creams, which has to be applied about three times a day for a few days.  The drug usually does not cause allergic reaction in normal doses.

         Devil’s claw or ‘Harpagophytum procumbens’ is a plant whose fruits appear claw-like.  The active ingredient is contained in the stem that grows within the ground.  The plant has been a native of Southern Africa, Madagascar and the Kalahari Desert.  The active ingredient Harpagophytum procumbens seems to reduce inflammation and pain.  The agent also has a sedative effect and promotes urination.  It has traditionally been utilized in several long-standing painful musculoskeletal disorders such as back pain, sciatica, arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatic disorders, gout, etc.  Further studies are however required to determine the exact effect of Devil’s claw on pain.  The herb is available in the form of dried extracts, liquid extracts, pills and tinctures, which should be consumed a few times a day.

         As Devil’s claw has not proven to provide relief from pain through reliable studies, a suitable non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDS) may have to be administered additionally.  Care should be taken of the wound in order to prevent infections from developing.  It has to be washed whenever required, and a suitable dressing should be applied.


Chantre, P., Cappelaere, A., & Leblan, D. Efficacy and tolerance of Harpagophytum procumbens versus diacerhein in treatment of osteoarthritis. Phytomedicin, 7(3): 2000: 177-183. 

Complementary Therapies for Health Care Providers. Edited by Merrily A. Kuhn. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 1999.

Healthwise and Thomson Healthcare, Sunburn, 2006, retrieved 6 January 2007.

Percival, S. S. Use of Echinacea in medicine. Biochem Pharmacol, 60(2): 2000: 155-158.


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