Finding someone at risk

This fear is mostly expressed by relatives concerned about a loved one. In reality, it is improbable that this conversation will lead a person to commit suicide. The most of people who commit suicide have thought of it for long prior to the attempt. There are very less chances that a caring question from a concerned would help a person, whether actually depressed or not, to attempt suicide. A lot of people don’t know how to ask a loved family member or friend whether one is considering suicide. This must not restrict us from raising the issue. The key is to be concerned, sincere and simple in your questions. The other key is to just listen.

Let the person know that you’re tuned into him/her, that you are concerned in what he/she is considering or thinking about, and that you are ready to listen to his/her concerns. These are the most specific messages that you can give when communicating. Government should also play impotent role in improving the quality of life of old people throughout the state, by supporting their independence. The organization support groups which provide community services, campaign on issues which affect older people, therefore providing them with free advises and information services, and also supporting old people to show their point of views.

There is a myth that attending treatment is a sign of weakness, that strong have no need for treatment. Exploring one’s feelings and emotions with a view to leading a more positive way of life is a sign of courage rather than of weakness. There are some problems, which could only be cured after treatment, and if ignored they can mount up and in time cause a major crisis. (Forsell, Y. , Jorm, A. & Winblad, B. (1997) Another myth is that treatment of mental illness is only for those people who have completely mad.

This is not true, most of people find counseling very helpful to cope with their problems such as relationship breakdown or misfortune. Those who attend counseling are also ordinary people who wish to work towards living a more healthy and positive lifestyle. Some people think that counselors are there to give them advice and tell them what they should do in a particular situation. Most counselors do not work in this way, but aim to help people to explore their situations and possible solutions and work out which is the right way forward for them.

(Fact sheet, counseling) Despite all mental illness are interlinked however the basic care needed by elders suffering from dementia is completely different as compared to other mental illnesses like functional mental illnesses, and it is important to consider these needs separately. Antidepressants may raise suicide risk in elderly, therefore it is integral to consult a good physiatrist before using any kind of antidepressants specifically if the elderly is suicidal. If one finds an elder suicidal, one should not deal it emotionally.

Before talking to the patient in question, find out the recourses available to tackle the issue. One can take help form the nearest community mental health center. Make sure if they do have hotlines and emergency centers available if the patient is at high risk. These help lines contact numbers are also available in telephone directory or one can take help of Internet, if available One can also take help of psychologist, psychiatrist or other therapist if the elder is found to be at initial stage and is not seriously considering suicide at the moment.

Getting treatment might facilitate someone who is depressed, and reduce the anxiety and depression. However this most important is to take the patient to nearest emergency center available at your place where patent can be monitored by a team of health care professionals. This option can’t be helpful if the condition of the patient is serious. One can also take help from family physician, especially if the patient has problem about communicating with a mental health professional or would normally be more at ease talking with a doctor that one already knows.

Depression is not a natural condition of old age and should not be treated as part of aging process. About 70% to 80% of older people with depression go unspotted initial during treatment, as their symptoms are generally mistaken by other disorders. (Guohua, L. (1995) Symptoms of late-onset depression – which may include agitation, anxiety and irritability often, differ from the rest of it. They are often ignored or confused with Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s disease. They may also be confused with thyroid disorders, strokes or heart disease, or as a side effect of medication, which sometimes it is.

Depression in people aged 75 years and over may cause a metabolic imbalance due to poor nutrition and sleep. Depression can suppress immunity, making you more potentially more susceptible to serious infections. (Fact sheet, Depression, mind publications) Finally if one can’t judge the condition of the patient, the Sources • Sorenson, S. B. , “Suicide among the elderly”: Issues Facing Public Health,” Am J Pub Hlth 81 (1991): 1109-10 Depression Guideline Panel, Depression in Primary Care: vol. 1, Detection and diagnosis, Clinical Practice Guideline, no. 5, AHCPR pub. no. 93-0550

However in case of elders, there is one death for every 5 attempts of suicide. • During 2004, percentage of suicide was approximately 12. 3 per 100,000 among elderly persons aging 65 to 74, and for above the age of …

The world has never seen a surge in suicide rates among men and women than in the present time. As the world gears itself to globalization, high technological breakthrough and overflowing amount of information, stressors or causes of stress also …

Addington et al classified the risk factors for suicide and suicidal attempts separately. Hallucinations (especially auditory hallucinations) were not associated with suicide. Those individuals who were predisposed to attempted suicide, hallucinations only increased the risk for suicide. However, it did …

Suicides are generally related to the presence of mental disorders. The major cause of elderly suicide is depression. Depression affects almost 19 million Americans every year (National Institutes of Mental Health, 2000). Depression in elderly is considered normal and is …

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