Final Draft Expository

The career I am considering is something in the medical field with a high profession and something that I would also love doing and would want to do for a long time doing as a get older . Something that I could succeed in the further I get into the career . I would choose a pediatric surgeon . I am exploring many different options and expanding the careers I would consider doing and the careers , but I would want something exciting and where I get a rush certain times and you always have that amazing feeling when you are doing it .

What I have been thinking about is either a general surgeon , a Cardiothoracic surgeon or a pediatric surgeon . But , if I had to choose , I would choose a pediatric surgeon . Being a pediatric surgeon would be a rush of a job , at least in my eyes . I think , I would choose being a Pediatric surgeon because everyday would be something new . Every case would be a new case . There are many reasons why I want to become a pediatric surgeon . Every family would be a new family and a new challenge . But , the only thing with being a pediatric surgeon , you would have to be able to control your emotions , and feelings towards the children .

I say that because seeing a little boy or girl hurt , or has a serious injury , or even a common disease like cancer than many people all over the world get . The emotions are different , they are stronger and more harder to deal with and handle because the thought of a child going through that much pain , the pain a full on adult goes through can make it harder to work on the case . Being a pediatric surgeon would be a rush , well some days .

Some days are bad and others are just ordinary . As a pediatric surgeon , it’s one of the highest paid specialties in the medical field . Pediatric surgeons who just start their careers after their intern and residency year , earned $295,000 yearly . Pediatric surgeons have a long , hard and difficult road ahead of them when first starting out . To become a pediatric surgeon , it has one of the longest training and any education pathways of any medical specialty . People who are becoming pediatric surgeons have one of the longest amounts of schooling .

To become a pediatric surgeon , it requires a four years bachelor’s degree in a type of science , four years of medical school , a five year general surgery residency , a two year pediatric surgery fellowship , and pass board certification tests for general surgery and pediatric surgery . It is a hard process but would be worth it in the long run. Pediatric surgeons deal with kids all the way up until the age of 18 years old , and they deal with all kinds of cases . In my opinion , if the world did not have pediatric surgeons .

Many things would be different and a lot of things would be worse . Pediatric surgeons are literally a life saver . Because they handle many cases for a child under the age of eighteen . And many of the cases can honestly be heartbreaking and absolutely terrible . But , people who are pediatric surgeons have to be strong emotionally and physically . And not let their feelings get the best of them . Pediatric surgeons are a huge impact on the world . But , one thing for a fact , being a pediatric surgeon is not easy . Everyday is A NEW CHALLENGE.

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