Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Alcohol is the principal identified avoidable reason of different birth defects. If a pregnant woman uses alcohol, her future child appears in danger to get incurable mental and physical defects. Luckily, a lot of women do not use alcohol during pregnancy, but still there are many future mothers who do. It’s determined that every year in the US, 1 out of 750 born children have problems with psychological and physical health that are connected with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), at the same time as 40,000 born children have fetal alcohol effects (FAE) (Cobliner 18).

Percent is rather high and it is extremely important for physicians and psychologists to define the real causes of why future mothers use alcohol though they know pretty well what consequences it may have for their child. We will argue that psychological is the most important reason for drinking during pregnancy. The consequences of alcohol usage during different stages of pregnancy It is possible to assume that many future mothers think that small dose of alcohol is not harmful for their baby.

It’s understandable for all that too much alcohol during pregnancy is risky, however how should we treat the occasional usage? What dose of alcohol is too much for pregnant women? Actually, there is no measure that can help to define precisely what dose of alcohol will cause defects with a future child. Different people process alcohol in a different way. Many issues influence the consequences; among them is the age of the women, the time and continuity of the alcohol drinking, and having meal before drinking (Jessor 44).

Since alcohol effortlessly penetrates the placenta and the fetus is not as much prepared to eradicate alcohol as the woman, the fetus usually gets a high portion of alcohol that stays longer than in the system of the adult person. Women who use alcohol during the first three month of pregnancy have children with the most serious defects since it is the time of the brain formation. The links in the child’s brain are not developed correctly with alcohol. Surely, during the first one or two moths, a lot of future mothers may not know about their state.

(Cobliner 18) It’s essential for future mothers who are planning a child not to use alcohol during several months before becoming pregnant. Mothers who refrain from drinking during several months may start drinking during the last months. However, a number of of the most compound formation phases in the brain happen during the last three month, a period during which the nervous system may be seriously influenced by alcohol. Even restrained alcohol usage may critically injure a nervous system of a future child.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) can be defined as a moderate to implacable damage to the fetus both mentally and physically (Encarta, 2008). This damage is done when the pregnant mother drinking alcohol during her time of pregnancy (Encarta, 2008). If …

According to the medical encyclopedia, Fetal Alcoholic Syndrome (FAS) which is also famous as alcohol during pregnancy refers to problem associated with growth, mental and physical that may occur when a mother drinks during pregnancy. The obvious cause of the …

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a serious and widespread problem in this country. Positioned within the community with links to children, families, and healthcare systems, school nurses, and most especially the teachers are a critical element in the prevention …

Most teachers have-or at some point will have-a student or students with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in their classroom. Yet because affected students may or may not possess the facial abnormalities that are characteristics of the disorder, their condition …

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