Features of Health Plans

There may be variations, but all insurance plans are one of two essential types; Indemnity or Managed Care (Valerius, Bayes, Newby, & Seggern, 2008). There are five health plans highlighted in this chapter; Indemnity Plans, Health Maintenance Plans (HMO’s), Point of Service Plans (POS), Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), and Consumer Driven Health Plans (CDHP) (Valerius, Bayes, Newby, & Seggern, 2008). A short description and comparison is as follows: 1. Indemnity Plans-protection against loss; under this plan, the payer indemnifies the policy holder against medical service and procedure costs. Patients choose their own providers. The physician bills the insurance company as services are given (Valerius et al., 2008).

2. Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO’s) – Premiums are prepaid and a combination of coverage of medical costs and delivery of healthcare is provided. A network is created containing physicians, hospitals, and other providers (Valerius et al., 2008). Membership enrollment is required, along with preventative care. Referrals are often needed for specialty services.

3. Point Of Service Plans (POS) – Similar to the HMO plan; specifically called an open HMO. This plan reduces restrictions, allowing members to choose providers outside of the HMO. However, a penalty fee is charged (Valerius et al., 2008).

4. Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) – This plan also manages care, but is most preferred and popular type. A network of physicians, hospitals, and other providers with whom discounts have been negotiated from the usual fees (Valerius et al., 2008).

5. Consumer-Driven Health Plans (CDHP) – Two elements are combined in this plan. One being a health plan which is normally a PPO. This plan has a higher deductible and lower premium (Valerius et al., 2008). Second is the special savings account which is used to pay medical bills before deductible is met. The account is similar to an IRA, which allows people to put aside untaxed wages for out of pocket medical expenses (Valerius et al.). Not knowing the specifics of each health plan as yet; it is hard to say whether one offers better coverage than the next. I believe it actually depends on the patient’s preference. Some prefer the HMO; myself, I prefer the PPO which I feel gives the patient more freedom to choose, whether it be a specialist needed or the option to change physicians at any time.

Concerning medical insurance, there are several types of Private Payer and Consumer-Driven Health Plans (CDHP). These types of insurance plans are PPO, HMO, Group HMO, IPA, POS, Indemnity, and CDHP. Sometimes an employer will set up health savings accounts for …

As you learn about health care delivery in the United States, it is important to understand the various models of health insurance to develop a working knowledge as you progress through the course. The following matrix is designed to help …

Origin: When was the model first used? What kind of payment system is used, such as prospective, retrospective, or concurrent? Who pays for care? What is the access structure, such as gatekeeper, open-access, and so forth? How does the model …

Origin: When was the model first used? What kind of payment system is used, such as prospective, retrospective, or concurrent? Who pays for care? What is the access structure, such as gatekeeper, open-access, and so forth? How does the model …

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