Fairy tales

To Bruno Bettelheim, children’s literature primarily means fairy tales. Bruno is aware how the children immerse themselves to read certain types of stories, wherein they find the identifications of their real self and aspirations. He has the unique style of taking the reader to the wonderland of children’s literature, through his scientific approach to the subject. He associated or remained in close touch with several literary giants and intellectuals of his era.

“In the case of Bettelheim and Redl, collaboration in the late nineteen-forties led to the concept of the therapeutic milieu in which psychoanalytic concepts were applied in the construction of an environment in which every aspect of the physical and social surround was informed by psychoanalytic concepts.. ”(Cohler, 1991) Fairy tales are mental exercises for the children. Just as physical exercises are necessary for the physical health, fairy tales contribute to the mental health of the children and act as stimulants for their psyche.

“Though children are too quick to smile and pressures apparently do not seem create any deep impact on heir minds, the scientific studies reveal the contrary. … In Bruno Betteheim’s opinion, fairy tales are helpful to children in helping them cope with the psychological problems of growing up and integrating their personalities. ”(Heuscher, 1963)Bruno asserts that many of the stories that create the impact on the young impressionable minds of children continue to influence them positively even after the lapse of several decades.

Fairy tales pierce the hearts and imagination of children and their day to day disposition is influenced by the dynamic spells of the tales. Some believe that fairy tales relate to the world of dishonesty. But Bruno’s stories have the logic and they do not create any negative impressions on the minds of children. They immerse the children in the world of fantasy. They provide proper worldview and help to increase creativity amongst them. Their mind-set turns competitive and they are willing to face the trials and tribulations of life confidently. Bruno is famous for his research on autism.

He was a child psychologist. He writes, “Wisdom does not burst forth fully developed like Athena out of Zeus’s head; it is built up, small step by small step, from most irrational beginning…. Today, as in times past, the most important and also the most difficult task in raising a child is helping him to find meaning in life. “(Lakin, 2007) The German poet Schiller wrote: “Deeper meaning resides in the fairy tales told to me in my childhood than in the truth that is taught by life. ” How can this be? Bettelheim says, “These tales start where the child really is in his psychological and emotional being.

They speak about his severe inner pressures in a way that the child unconsciously understands and . . . offers examples of both temporary and permanent solutions to pressing difficulties. “(Lakin…) Parents also benefit by reading the literature of Bruno relating to fairly tales. Out of negative affection for the children, parents keep them away from the harsh realities of life. This is disservice to the children in the long run. The children need to understand the positivism and negativities of life and the fairly tales are one of the best tools for such an exercise, according to Bruno.

Selective fairy tales strengthen the psyche of children and instill dynamism in them.


Norton, D. E (Author) Norton Saundra (Author): Through the Eyes of a Child, (7th ed. ) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN#0132202964 Cohler, B. J. , Sanders, J (1991). Bruno Bettelheim (1903-1990). Int. J. Psycho-Anal. , 72:155-157. PEP Web – Bruno Bettelheim (1903-1990). This controversy clouded a more fundamental contribution to the study of … displayed in the classic volume on fairy tales, The Uses of Enchantment (1976)… www. pep-web. org/document.php? id=IJP. 072. 0155A – Retrieved on July 8, 2008. Heuscher, Julius E. 1963.

A Psychiatric Study of Fairy Tales: Their Origin… JSTOR: Bruno Bettelheim’s Uses of Enchantment and Abuses of .. links. jstor. org/sici? sici=0021-8715(199124)104:411%3C74:BBUOEA%3E2. 0. CO;2-E – Retrieved on July 8,2008. Lakin, Susanne: www. ezinearticles. com The Importance Of Reading Fairy Tales In A Child’s Life1 Nov 2007 … Wisdom from Bruno Bettelheim’s The Uses of Enchantment … Bruno Bettelheim was a child psychologist, famous for his research on autism. Retrieved on July 8, 2008

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