Facts or feelings – what is more important?

We can’t prove anything without facts and without facts, there is nothing that would provoke feelings in us. But if I have to choose between the two options , I would unquestionably choose emotions because without them we are nothing. Emotions help us live life. We are happy, sad, angry all because we “feel “. We fail to realize that the world which we live in is a world of emotions. Without feelings we humans will not be very different from robots who do what they are supposed to, tirelessly without ever “feeling” any emotion.

It is emotions which make us realize what is right and what is wrong; it is emotions which give us enough passion to drive through every obstacle and it is emotions which make the human kind unsellable. Some people do say that we are living in a world where facts are veryuthing and there has to be a reason behind whatever we do, even what we feel. But what the yforget in this “factual” style of thinking is that at the end of the day we do what we want to, what our heart desires, not what we must do or what our brain suggests after solving all the trivial conspiracies of the society.

If we look back in time, To this day, we suffer because Adam and Eve chose to give in to their feelings rather than the fact that God had told them not to eat the forbidden fruit in His garden of eden. the human kind has been bearing the brunt. The question raised is that was it right for them to eat the fruit and leave the rest of the human kind to put up with the consequences? Was it fair to us that till date men have to toil to fill their stomachs and women have to bring forth humanity in pain? No. it was not. But we must not ignore the other side of the argument.

if we sit down and think about it, were adam and eve really wrong? Was it wrong for them to give in to their human emotions and listen to their hearts’ desires? No. it was not. And we cannot blame anyone because we ourselves cannot decide what is more important – facts or feelings? Thus I conclude by saying that every single thing has its own significance and both facts and feelings are important because even if we do not want to accept it, facts are the ones which help arouse the feelings and emotions in us and we cannot underestimate their importance. And feelings help us become who we are – they give us our individuality.

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