Factors that have promoted Evidence-Based Practice

In the contemporary world, certain factors have encouraged the adoption of evidence-based practice in the medical field. These factors have directly or indirectly promoted the use of EBHC . One contributing factor to this is the current availability of more and better information. This has increased in number the well conducted RCTs, as well as the systematic reviews. The presence of better organization of the information has also supported the adoption of EBHC in the medical field.

The well organized information and new insights about the medical field can be easily derived from the systematic review of the science that keeps on evolving. The rapid global changes in information technology have made it easy for the medical field specialist to practice Evidence-based health care. The improved understanding of the processes through which the medical field research findings can be translated into practice so as to promote EBHC is vital. The development of EBHC has been encouraged by the need to develop and evaluate clinical medicine, as well as the health care in a broader perspective.

Tonelli (Tonelli,M. 2006), claims that there lacks good evidence that the evidence-based health care improves the care of the patient, or the quality of medical eduaction. However,many internal medicine programs have incorporated some certain elements of EBM(Evidence-based Medicine) into residency training. Evidence based practice is expected to alter how clinical medicine will be practiced in future, due to the widespread notion of the concept in several branches of the medical field.

Despite this, some medical staff does not understand clearly how the changes will benefit the patients. A large number of scholarly articles about EBHC have focused on the practical issues that are closely linked interpretation, development, incorporation, and acquisition of clinical research findings . On the other hand, evidence-based practice has been viewed as being based on arguments and philosophical assumptions that to some extent have not been adequately elucidated according to Norman (Norman, G. 2003).

The evidence-based practice has been considered to require its ethics in order to promote the implementation of the evidence-based medicine tenets and methodologies into routine patient care. There is need for medical practitioners to make clinical decisions based on the most recent and the available medical research findings. It may be considered unethical if clinical decisions are made without putting into mind the latest and the available medical research findings, and therefore, the ethical decision making can only be achieved when the latest research findings are used in decision making.

This is because, the decisions will tend to be better informed and justified. Despite this, the medical field experts have issued a warning on the possibility of harming proper professional practice when competent professionals are labeled as immoral or unethical. The evidence-based practice should be well understood so as to prevent the negative effects of the practice in the medical field.

Evidence-based practice has some limitations when it comes to public health care. The concept has been used in clinical medicine and public health. In addition, the concept is used in policy making, as well as health promotion. The broad interpretation …

Evidence-based practice is also referred to as Evidence-based Health Care (EBHC), when it comes to the medical field. The phrase “Evidence-Based Practice” has been defined in so many ways by scholars and researchers in the medical field. One of the …

Evidence-based practice (EBP) can be seen throughout history dating back to the mid 19th century when Florence Nightingale gathered research to improve the quality of care provided to patients while analyzing hospital data (Miller, Ward & Young, 2010). EBP has …

Evidence-based nursing practice is defined as the “conscientious, explicit and judicious use of theory-driven, research-based information in making decisions about care delivery to individuals or groups of patients and in consideration of individual needs and preferences” (Ingersoll, 2000). Evidence-based nursing, …

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