Eye Protection

Objective: To let the workers fully understand that loss of eyesight or damage to the eyes can lead to irreversible negative effect to their families and loved ones. To give some safety tips or first aid procedure in the event of eye-related incidents or accidents. (Note to discussion leader: Bring some kind of eye protective devices for comparison) Introduction: (walk in front of the workers as if you are blind and observe their reactions). Have you ever thought about what life would be like without eyesight?

How would you get dressed in the morning? How would you make a living? How would you enjoy the flowers in your garden or the expressions on your children’s faces at Christmas? Your eyes are important in almost all your activities, and because eyes come only one pair (not two or three) to a customer, they deserve all the care and protection you can give them. What actions can you take to protect the eyes that are so important to your happiness and well-being?

The most important thing you can do is to wear eye protection when there is a danger of flying particles, dust or harmful liquids getting into your eyes. Perhaps you think that your ordinary eyeglasses offer enough protection against any eye hazards you may encounter. Think again! On impact, regular lenses tend to shatter more easily. Safety lenses may shatter, but they require a much greater impact. Various types of eye protective devices have been designed, including safety glasses, goggles and full-face shields. Their uses differ according to the type of work.

You should always wear the type of eye protection recommended for the work you are doing; you never know when an accident will occur. Remember, sight was never saved while safety glasses were worn on the forehead or carried in the pocket Contact lenses should not be worn anyplace there is a chance of foreign matter, especially around harmful liquids, entering the eyes. Liquids can get trapped under a contact lens. Frequently, before the lens is removed and the eye is flushed with water, delicate eye tissue has been damaged.

You may think you don’t look good wearing goggles or safety glasses, or that you look your best only with contact lenses. You shouldn’t allow these thoughts to interfere with eye safety, because you are exposing yourself to the possibility of an accident that could blind you. By wearing appropriate eye protection, you should be able to avoid injuries to your eyes. However, there is still a possibility that you or those around you might need eye first aid. Here are a few points you should remember in case of an eye injury.

In the case of a foreign particle entering an eye: (first aid procedure) * Do not rub the eye, because this may force the particle deeper into the tissue. * Wash your hands before examining the eye; this help prevent infection * Do not attempt to remove a particle that is embedded in the tissue; this will result in further damage. Place clean, preferably sterile, patches over both eyes and get to a physician as quickly a possible. In case of a burn to the eye or eyelid, from acid for example, the eye should be irrigated for 10 minutes with clear water.

This can be done with an eye dropper or syringe, or by using one of the special eyewashes provided at your work site. Accident prevention through detection and correction of vision problems and adequate illumination of the work area can also save your eyes. You need good eyesight to perform your job effectively, efficiently and safely. Periodic eye examinations are a must, because they are often the only way people learn that their vision is defective.

In fact, people may have vision that is considerably less than optimal and remain unaware of it because the defects have developed so gradually that changes went unnoticed. Have your eyes examined and your vision tested annually. If you are more than 40 years old, this examination should include a test for glaucoma, a condition of increased pressure in the eyeball, which is responsible for a large percentage of blindness in adults. If defects are found, steps can be taken to correct them. With clear vision, you will be able to spot and correct or avoid hazards in your environment.

Adequate illumination is also necessary if you are to perform your job safely. You should report to your supervisor if you think lighting is inadequate or if light bulbs or fluorescent tubes need to be replaced. SYNOPSIS: Don’t risk losing one of your most precious possessions, your eyesight. Wear eye protection when needed and encourage others to do the same. If an accident should happen, you’ll be very glad you did.


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