Explanations of schizophrenia

Freud believed that schizophrenia was the result of 2 related processes, regression of the pre ego state, attempts to re-establish control of the ego. If the world of a schizophrenic is harsh e.g. the had cold and uncaring parents they may regress a stage of development before ego was properly formed. And before they develop a realistic awareness of external world, thus leads them to an infantile state. AO2, No empirical evidence to support this, except psychoanalysis Support comes from Reichmann et al, who described schizophrenic mothers as uncaring, dominant, and stated that theses mothers behave rather differently.

Behavioural explanation Symptoms of schizophrenic due to faulty leaning, as liberman said “due to child receiving little or no social reinforcement in early life due to parental disinterest. Makes child behave in a deviant way and focus on irrelevant environmental cues. E.g. the sound of a word rather than its meaning, thus making a person seem abnormal, as this would affect a person verbal and physical behaviour

AO2 Supported by the success of behavioural therapies, used in treating schizophrenia. Support comes from roder who found that social skills training helps schizos gain social skills, as they were able to interact with wider community. Cognitive Suggest a diathesis relationship as further features of the disorder appear as individuals try to understand them, when the schizo first hears voices they turn to others to validate this., when others fail to validate this they believe they are hiding from the truth, and reject further feedback leading them to develop delusional beliefs.

AO2 Much evidence for cognitive deficits associated with schizos eyer et al found a link between the symptoms of schizo and reduced activity in prefrontal, thus their brains behave abnormally. Sociocultural factors Life events which cause extreme stress e.g. death, bereavement are all triggers which can lead to schizo Following this claim, brown et al found that schizos appear to experience a major stress event 3 weeks prior to schizo episode A02 Van os et al, found no link between stressful life events and schizo, To criticise, evidence to suggest life events can lead to schizo is cause and effect therefore maybe affected by others factors not considered Another criticism is that, many psychologists believe it is misunderstood, and suggest that schizo is a mental illness which can lead to loss, thus can lead to stress, therefore it creates large amounts of controversy.

Family relationships A01 Children who receive contradictory messages are likely to develop schizo e.g. if their mothers voice and body language implies different meanings, this will cause confusion in child, hence due to conflicting messages. This will be applied to surroundings and child will face confusion over surroundings in the long term lead to delusional beliefs, schizo.

Biological factors alone cannot account for the origin and maintenance of schizophrenia and therefore psychological explanations look at other important contributory factors shown through psychodynamic views, family models and cognitive models. According to one psychodynamic view, schizophrenia arises from the …

Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder as it often involves a loss of contact with reality and a lack of self insight. Schizophrenia has a large number of clinical characteristics. Some of these are Thought control, delusions of passivity, control and …

Research into schizophrenia shows that there is a major genetic component but the fact that concordance rates between identical twins is never 100% means that there must be environmental contributions.’ Discuss biological explanations of schizophrenia. (30 marks) Schizophrenia is a psychiatric disorder …

‘Research into schizophrenia shows that there is a major genetic component but the fact that concordance rates between identical twins is never 100% means that there must be environmental contributions.’ Discuss biological explanations of schizophrenia. (30 marks) Schizophrenia is a psychiatric disorder …

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