Exercise health and lifestyle

In recent years the heath of the UK population has gone in a downwards spiral the main reasons this is happening is due to all the technology coming out. When kids were bored in the UK about 30 years ago they would go out and play football which meant they were taking part in exercise now a days kids would rather stay in side and watch TV or play on a console. This means that kids aren’t getting enough exercise like before and as kids will carry on eating the same junk they will start putting on weight.

Another factor that has affected the UK health is adverts as kids spend about most of their time watching TV so any type of food that is advertised kids will automatically want to buy it. Advertising should be to show kids how to eat healthy instead all the show is sweets and fast food like McDonalds which is bad for you. Also most kids these days wont have a good health education lesson to teach them all about what foods to eat and what foods not to eat. Simply having one of these lessons once a week will help kids understand how to stay healthy and the benefits of being healthy.

Also the British health has decreased due to the uprising costs due to the depression more and more people struggle to pay for exercise meaning they will get unhealthy and FAT Benefits of exercise To gain health benefits you should do at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise, (at least 5 days per week). Most of us think that casually walking to work counts as our exercise but it actually doesn’t, moderate exercise means that you get warm, mildly out of breath, and mildly sweaty Psychological Exercise is good for body not only does it make you get fit and look more attractive to the opposite sex it helps with improving you moods and feelings.

Exercising improves your mood due to the chemicals it releases in the brain called endorphins, it gives you an overall feeling of well-being. This is the same chemical that being in love or eating chocolate induces. A lot of people exercise to relieve stress that they get through everyday life and when we exercise we usually don’t have anything on our minds so it relaxes us. Obesity A person is classed as obese if they are 20 percent or heavier then the current weight for their height. People who have obesity are at risk of devolving other medical conditions such as; Osteoarthritis Type 2 diabetes

Cancer Heart disease Also doing exercise stops you getting fat as it burns up kilocalories, which results in the person exercising being in a state of negative energy balance. This then means they will start using kilocalories from their fat stores and so for lose weight. Being fat usually means you will be less attractive to the opposite sex and having a fit well toned body will make you more attractive. Increase Cardiovascular Fitness Regular activity and exercise helps get a healthier heart. A healthy heart is a strong heart that works efficiently and is able to easily supply the body with blood.

The heart pumps blood, which carries oxygen to muscles and carries away waste. How well the heart performs is a good indication of how healthy a person’s cardiovascular. The more exercise a person does the more their cardio-vascular fitness they will gain. Regular activity helps the cardiovascular system by improving circulation. Circulation is increased because physical activity increases a person’s blood volume. This makes it easier for the heart to function and more blood gets to muscles, meaning more oxygen is carried to the muscles meaning they can perform for longer.

Exercising also help reduce a person’s chances of developing high blood pressure, or hypertension. And also taking part in exercise reduces the risk of suffering serious illnesses such as a stroke which is gained from high blood pressure. Coronary heart disease This is the leading cause of death in the western world. One third of all deaths are associated with CHD. Taking part in physical exercise narrows down the risk of picking up this disease coronary heart disease is a narrowing of the coronary arteries. These are blood vessels that pass over the surface of the heart and supply it with blood.

When a person with CHD takes part in physical exercise the coronary arteries may not be able to supply the heart with enough blood to keep up with the high oxygen need. A pain will then occur in the chest and if the coronary artery becomes completely blocked the area of the heart will die resulting in a heart attack. Taking part in regular exercise has been proven to; increase levels of HDL cholesterol and decrease the amount of triglycerides in the blood stream. High levels of triglycerides are bad for your blood stream as it is a fat and can increase the chance of heart disease.

Diabetes Today more and more people suffer from diabetes, diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin. The cause of diabetes is unknown but many think genetics obesity and a lack of exercise play a significant role. There is good evidence to suggest that physical activity helps with preventing and also helps in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. It helps by improving a person’s sensitivity to insulin. Arthritis Arthritis is a condition in which the synovial membrane of one or more joints has become inflamed.

Resulting in a loss of movement and a lot of pain, this occurs due to an increase production of synovial fluid. Eventually the bones will meet and start to rub against each other which is extremely painful and reduces movement. Exercise helps as it helps alleviate arthritis forms of mobility exercises helps to strengthen the muscles and helps keeping the joint mobile which reduces stiffness. Also it helps with increasing the amount of synovial fluid in a joint which helps lubricate it; also it helps with getting more blood flow to the tissues around the joint which helps to keep it healthy.

Negative affects of exercise Increased likelihood of muscular injuries To much exercise without giving the body enough rest can cause muscular skeletal damage. If you don’t give you body sufficient rest it will start to come under strain. Also minor injuries aren’t allowed to heal meaning they often result in long-term damage. Instead of building muscle, too much exercise actually destroys muscle mass, especially if the body isn’t getting enough nutrition, forcing it to break down muscle for energy.

Ms Whiteoak also warned that excessive exercise can damage tendons, ligaments, bones, cartilage and joints. When minor injuries aren’t allowed to heal they often result in long-term damage, and instead of building muscle too much exercise actually destroys muscle mass. ” Girls who exercise continuously may disrupt the balance of hormones in their bodies. This can change their menstrual cycles and increase the risk of premature bones and also working their bodies so hard leads to exhaustion and constant fatigue.

In recent years the heath of the UK population has gone in a downwards spiral the main reasons this is happening is due to all the technology coming out. When kids were bored in the UK about 30 years ago …

The objective of the study was to explore the health related behaviours, health status and activities of daily living of elderly people both with and without heart disease, to determine if a connection or interaction existed. A total of 775 …

Good health is very crucial and plays a very important part in one’s life span. In today’s world, it is awash in a rising tide of obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease and associated metabolic diseases such as diabetes. As …

Good health is very crucial and plays a very important part in one’s life span. In today’s world, it is awash in a rising tide of obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease and associated metabolic diseases such as diabetes. As …

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