Exercise and Depression

In order to treat clinical depression, medical practitioners have utilized a number of various medications which have been known to decrease the amount of serotonin in the brain which has been known to cause a chemical balance resulting in depression. The most popular of these serotonin inhibitors is Prozac (Klein & Wender 2005). However, many studies have begun to suggest alternative forms of treatment for clinical depression. One of these is the encouragement of individuals who have been clinically depressed to engage in exercise training.

In a study conducted by Tsang & Fung (2008), they have discovered that encouraging the elderly to engage in aerobic exercise and other activities that would involve the individual to engage in physical activity while promoting deep breathing in order to calm the individual’s mind. In the study that they have conducted using Qigong, a mind-clearing exercise technique popular in China, have been able to promote the same effect provided by serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors, or SSRI, and other anti-depressants.

In their study, it they have discovered that those who have regularly done Qigong exhibit an increase of monoamine transmitters as well as up-regulating trytophan levels in the brain. The increased levels of trytophan in the brain which is then released to the bloodstream of the individual exhibit the same results and effects found in SSRI medications. Exercise training has also been known to increase the levels of endorphins in the bodies of individuals not just among the elderly, but among individuals belonging to the younger generations.

The increase of these hormones has also been known to increase feelings of well-being and euphoria among individuals who regularly exercise as compared to those who do not (Hayes & Ross 1986). In a study conducted by McCann and Holmes which involved the use of exercise in one group, relaxation methods in another group and a group that was not provided any treatment of college females who have been diagnosed with clinical depression.

They have discovered, based on the data gathered from the three groups that participated in the study, that the level of depression experienced by the college females included in the group that was asked to do exercise training were more significant as compared to the groups that were merely asked to take part in various methods of relaxation and those that did not receive any treatment (Hayes & Ross 1986). Another underlying factor of the success of the use of exercise training to relieve depression among individuals lies in the social view of exercise training.

In the United States, as well as in other parts of the world, exercise training has been evaluated as a positive activity. As such, those who are engaged in exercise training are also viewed positively by the rest of society as compared to being overweight and obese, which has been given a negative connotation by society. The positive connotation of exercise training would eventually be reflected on those individuals who undergo exercise training and as a result, these individuals would experience increased levels of psychological well-being and self-esteem towards himself or herself (Hayes & Ross 1986).

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