Health care is an essential part of every individual’s lives, which is why people who are in this field have to make sure that they deliver proper and quality health care. One of the best ways to deliver quality health care is through the use of existing medical literatures and real-time medical data because these are the facts and can be trusted both by the clinicians and the patients. It is important, therefore, that medical professionals have constant access to these data. Information technology has paved way for clinicians to be able to use evidence based medicine in providing health care to patients.
Because of the vast and varied information available in this field, several databases have been created by different organizations and companies that feature medical information for health professionals to retrieve when needed. However, there is concern that clinicians would develop practicing medicine as in a cookbook, which sets step-by-step procedures on how to do things. This is the reason why it is important to be able to distinguish when to use evidence based medicine. Such databases also allows clinicians and hospitals to keep track of their patients and monitor their status and progress.
The use of evidence based medicine is very promising in that it allows health care providers to have access to medical information whenever and wherever. It also assures patients of a quality and accurate health care. This article is related to medical informatics in that it uses technology for it to be possible. At this time, numerous electronic devices including PDAs and laptops are already available to be used by clinicians. The creation of databases also makes use of computers and applications so that it can be used easily by all